Category "brining"

What happens if I brine my turkey for 2 days?

I have a logistical problem that leaves me with no fridge room for 2 days before Thanksgiving... I always brine my turkey, so I don't have any questions about

What is the proper amount of time to thaw + brine a turkey simultaneously?

I recently saw a tip that you can thaw a frozen turkey in your brine, and I'd like to try that this year. I was planning to thaw my turkey for 3 days in a coole

Brining a kosher bird

How should I adjust the salinity of a brine when using a kosher turkey? Some reccomendations suggest decreasing the salinity of the brine, but how much? My rec

Why is my brining giving varied and usually poor results?

I am trying to brine a chicken and then cook it in a soup. I just can't seem to do it properly and have noticed varying results for reasons I cannot figure out.

In what way is kosher chicken different from brined chicken in terms of salt absorbtion?

Ideally I want all parts of my chicken to absorb a good amount of salt. I think brining is best but somebody has suggested kosher chicken. How is kosher salted

Can state of chicken affect brine?

I have been trying to brine chicken and it never seems to brine successfully. I have followed the brine procedure correctly. I added 2 litres of spring water

What is the proper way to brine fish?

My query is regarding fish in general and specifically types like salmon, tuna and trout. How long should fish be brined for? Some recipes say 4 hours and othe

How would I add heat to a brine?

I am interested in making roast chicken with a bit of a kick. I'm thinking about adding heat to the brine, but I'm not sure what the best way of doing that woul

Does adding salt when soaking dry beans toughen or soften the skin of the bean?

I have heard opinions on both sides of this. The the latest answer on this site, says salt softens bean skins quoted Cooks Illustrated (I can't see the article

Can I brine chicken in buttermilk after I boil the chicken?

I want to make crispy fried chicken and waffles. I have had great luck boiling chicken wings and then deep frying them. Can I do the same thing for fried chicke

Reusing pickle brine

So I just finished a jar of home-made pickles. They were excellent! Not too salty, a bit spicy, very good. They were so good that I'd like to get some more pick

Why does brining work with dry heat methods and not wet heat methods?

If you brine chicken in a high saline solution and and then cook it using a dry heat method it will come out salty. IF however you do the same thing and then c

How much salt does fish in brine absorb?

Suppose you brine fish e.g. tuna and then eat the tuna raw i.e. uncooked. Would salt have penetrated completely into the tissues or would only the surface be s

Do I need to baste an injected turkey?

This evening I intend to grill a 3 pound turkey breast over indirect heat. I've brined the turkey and am intending to inject it with a butter injection concocti

How much salt is absorbed by meat during brining?

Has anyone created a table of sodium absorbtion during brining vs. other contributing factors such as brining time, meat type, salt ratio, etc. I'd like to be

If salt dehydrates the meat, then why would brining make it more juicy as a whole?

As the title says, why does brining work? If salting, by osmosis, pulls the water out of the meat, then why is meat considered more juicy after it's cooked? high temp?

I read that brining makes meat moister by causing protein cells to absorb water from the brine via osmosis (Wikipedia) So I thought, hmm, why not kill 2 birds w

Would brining help the texture/flavor of ribs?

I'm trying to get more flavor into my Memphis dry rub ribs. I'm cooking them slowly in an Applewood smoke oven, but I was also considering soaking the ribs in b

Brining before dehydrating?

I dehydrate my own pressure cooked chicken for camping trips where I add them soups and stews. I cook the chicken in a pressure cooker (rather than baking it or

How do I intensify my marinade/brine?

I often enter BBQ competitions where we are asked to use a "star" ingredient (such as dark beer or other product). In most cases, this means using it to marina