Category "acidity"

Old, unpasteurized orange juice has extra tang

I've been buying unpasteurized orange juice recently for its richer flavor, as compared to pasteurized OJ. I've had some sitting in the fridge for about a week

Tomato Products containing Citric Acid

I read that tomatoes are often not picked in the optimal ripeness for canning and because of this, citric acid is added to promote further ripening within the c

How do I keep cake from collapsing when adding lemon juice?

I am trying to perfect a nice lemon bundt cake recipe that uses lemon juice and zest for flavor. I have achieved the flavor profile I want, but the cake does no

How to release pungence out of onion for salads without cooking?

I have been making a pretty standard Mediterranean-style potato salad but replacing the standard vinegar with lemon juice, which I like better. However, I notic

Using acidity to brighten simple sides like purees

I made a simple carrot puree last night doing the following: Sweat off some carrots, onions, garlic and a bit of peeled apple Added a small amount of apple cid

How much vinegar can I safely add to bread dough?

I'm making Russian Black Bread for the first time, and I don't tend to follow recipes exactly. (I do weigh ingredients and understand how to speak in baker's pe

curdled 1/2 & 1/2 in Keurig-type coffee

When I buy coffee (either decaf or regular) at the convenience store and add 1/2 & 1/2, it lasts for several days and several re-heatings without curdling.

Balance out lemon juice in a smoothie, stinging my throat

I make smoothies for breakfast, and I prepare the contents each weekend for the following week (so I can prepare them as quickly as possible before I catch my t

what is the purpose of lemon/acid in fruit maceration for pie baking?

A lot of pie recipes will tell you to take out the liquid in juicy fruits, like apple and peaches, for pie baking. The purpose is to avoid a soggy crust with

Softening meat with the vinegar / lemon / onion / pineapple etc. How does it work? [duplicate]

And why does acid make the meat softer?

It seems, acidity prevents pasta from being overcooked?

Usually I cook the pasta in boiling water... add it to sauce in the pan, another 2-3 minuts and done. But today I've tried to cook pasta in the sauce. Sauce:

Do acid and fat balance each other? How?

I have heard many times that acid is added to a dish to "cut through" the richness, and conversely, that if one adds to much acid, this can be balanced out by t

How can I modify my hot sauce to make it Shelf Stable?

I would like to be able to can and then sell my own hot sauce. The hot sauce I make is a low acid meat (ground beef) and tomato based sauce. I had sent it in to

Using the right acid for red curry

I have a delicious red curry recipe which I think could be improved if I could add a touch of acidity. I've tried using rice wine but this seems to either over

Baking soda to cancel acidity?

Simple question: can you generally use baking soda to cancel acidity in your dishes? For instance, sometimes tomato sauce is too acidic, or you put too much vi

Acidity level not increasing when fermenting cauliflower

I am currently part way through my first attempt at vegetable fermentation. Today marks the 4th day of fermenting some cauliflower, and things seem to be doing

What pH range is suitable for cooking on teflon?

We shouldn't cook acids, alkali and concentrated salts on teflon. But what are exact numbers? Can I put a sour dairy stuff for on it example, like kefir (it's g

Is there any way to predict/calculate the pH level of a recipe when the level of individual ingredients is known?

Is there some sort of math formula that can be used or is it more complex than that? Is it as simple as just adjusting for the different amounts of ingredients

Reducing acidity without creating "soapy" taste

It is well known that sugar is used to reduce the acidity in tomato sauce. Yet there is no chemical reaction going, just a shift in taste. The PH remains the sa

Is it safe to eat a dish made with vinegar if the vinegar lid had black stuff on it?

I stored some vinegar in a salsa container. When I opened it, I noticed some black stuff under the lid. The vinegar liquid looked good, so I used a little and s