Category "wheat"

Substitutions for Wheat Flour in Pie Crust

I am trying not to use wheat flour in my pie crust but nothing seems to come close to the flaky crust I get with wheat. I tried all oat and cashew flour and the

Is US flour significantly different than it used to be, or than flour outside of the US?

I encountered this statement elsewhere: The wheat in the US has been genetically modified to be much higher in gluten. People who live in other countries

Napoletana Pizza dough not elastic and breaking

I made a Napoletana Pizza dough with the following amounts: 4 cups of flour, 2.25 teaspoon of Salt, 1 teaspoon of active yeast, 12 ounces water and 1 teaspoon

What is the best way to store the whole wheat flour for daily usage? For longer storage, keep white flours in the refrigerator in an airtight container. All-purpose and bread flo

are irradiation food still being sold [closed]

I've heard online that some irradiated food is still being sold and I want some to confirm it with a yes or no and some evidence to prove it

Can an all wheat flour be high in protein, yet low in gluten?

I know that wheat protein isn't all gliadin and glutenin (the proteins that give dough its stickiness and elasticity and together create gluten), but high prote

Substitutes for wheat flour and their challenges in baking

What are the flours that can be substituted for wheat flour in baking, specifically for breads, pastries and cakes? I found a few here: Top 10 alternatives to

Working with sticky dough for pizza making

I made a pizza dough with a recipe containing: 20 ounces of wheat, 2.25 teaspoon of Salt, 1/2 teaspoon of active yeast, 12 ounces water. After a good time of k

Kutya- Ukranian Christmas recipe

It calls for wheat. is wheat germ the same? If I can use wheat germ - the recipe says to soak the wheat in cold water overnight, would this be necessary with

Whole Wheat Breads Dough Conditioner

I do a lot of cooking with 100% freshly ground whole wheat, and have noticed that it often is not very well conditioned. For example: My whole wheat tortillas a

What are the differences between using whole wheat flour vs. all purpose flour in batter for frying?

There have been many questions related to whole wheat flower on this site before, but nearly all of them focus on baking. I'd like to know what is the effect of

Remedy a sourdough which used milled red winter wheat

I followed a sourdough recipe that said to use bread flour, I thought a hard red winter wheat ran through our grain mill would suffice if I sifted out the bran.

How does the Croatian system of flour categorization correspond to the systems of Western Europe and USA?

1) In my country we have following types of wheat flour - T-400/T-450 and these 2 are white, T-500/T-550 (also white), T-850 (brown) and T-1100/T-1600 (black),

Bread substitute for wheat allergic

What types of bread and bread substitutes are there for people who are allergic to wheat (and also soy), as a part of breakfast fare (sandwiches etc)? Unfortun

Flat cookies when baking with milled grains

I've made whole wheat chocolate chip cookies from Good to the Grain many times with King Arthur Flour's whole wheat flour and they come out great. http://food5

How long is wheat good for after harvest?

I'm not sure if I am asking this in the right place. I am wondering, if winter wheat is harvested from mid-May to mid-July, and spring wheat is harvested from

How to make dry bulgur wheat?

I am fond of bulgur wheat and often cook it with lots of veggies and season it with fresh herbs. What turns me off is the stickiness. It turns out to be too sti

What is French couscous?

In the US some supermarkets carry several varieties of couscous in their bulk sections, one of which is labeled French couscous. How does it differ from the oth

Is the sprouted wheat used in any traditional recipes?

The healthy food movements uses sprouted/germinated wheat in many ways. They even make sprouted wheat grains bread. But is the sprouted wheat used in any tradit

Refination processes for "whole" wheat and sugar in Italy

I heard several times that so called "whole" products (flour and cane sugar) are actually often (not always) built from refined ones "adding back" refined versi