Category "sugar-free"

Can I make caramel sauce with crystalline fructose?

I'd like to make a caramel sauce with crystalline fructose as my mom's diabetic and can't have sugar. I know (in theory) that fructose caramelizes at a lower

Unsweetened or fruit sweetened ice cream - Replacement for sugar in ice cream?

What is the best carb or protein to replace sugar in an ice cream recipe? I would like to remove cane sugar, artificial sweeteners, honey, maple syrup, xylitol

Looking for advice on making halva w/ allulose - first attempt came out gummy and taffy-like w/ oil separation

I'm trying to create halva, and my first attempt ended up with something that wasn't crumbly like halva is supposed to be - instead, it ended up a hard, taffy-l

How can I make sugar-free sangria? [closed]

I love sangria, but I avoid sugars. According to the NCC database, there's 300x as much sugar in sangria as in merlot. I had this idea to try

Dalgona / whipped coffee without sugar?

Dalgona coffee / whipped coffee is a hit recently, which is made from instant coffee powder, hot water and sugar. I was wondering if there are any possibiliti

How do I make sugarfree chocolate mousse made with 100% cacao chocolate less stiff?

I recently made chocolate mousse with 50g of 100% chocolate, and 2 egg whites. No sugar, sweeteners, or cream added. This resulted in a very stiff and even slig

How is unsweetened plant-based yogurt possible?

For plant-based (soya, almond, cashew, etc.) unsweetened yogurt, how does the yogurt bacteria grow and develop without sugar? From online recipes for soya yogur

Can I make Turkish delight without refined sugar and cornstarch?

I'm trying to make Turkish delight with apple juice concentrate and tapioca starch instead of refined sugar and cornstarch. However, I haven't been able to get

Sugar-free chewy texture with a starch or hydrocolloid

I would like to create a chewy sugar-free (keto) cookie. Which ingredient (probably a starch or hydrocolloid) can emulate the chewiness of a cookie made with br