Category "salt"

Can salt be inserted in unshelled peanuts? Do natural peanuts taste salty?

The label of the blue coloured bag in this link says: Peanuts unsalted In-shell What is the need of mentioning unsalted In-shell?Is it possible to insert

How much to reduce salt when using salted butter in place of unsalted butter

I normally don't keep unsalted butter on hand since I use it so seldom. So when a recipe calls for salt and unsalted butter among its ingredients would it be al

Is it safe to "salt bake" using ice cream rock salt?

Salt baking requires a lot of salt. I want to use ice cream rock salt for salt baking because it normally comes in bulk size. But I've been told that the rock s

How can I make low sodium (140mg or less per serving) pancakes / waffles?

I work with heart failure patients who have to limit their sodium intake, but still would like to enjoy some of their favorite foods. How can I reduce the sodiu

Why is salt sometimes ingredient of otherwise sweet cookies? [duplicate]

In some recipes for muffins, biscuits or cakes I find small amounts of salt as an ingredient (Chocolate cake, Banana muffin). Why? What can a

Does adding salt before cooking toughen scrambled eggs?

I have been told by two different cooks who's opinions I trust that adding salt to a beaten egg mixture before cooking will dry out and/or toughen the eggs, but

Please explain my meat dry curing observations

I am currently testing dry curing. I noticed that within 2 days most of the water had dropped out of the meat and subsequently there was no more water loss. I

Salt in boiled meat

Is there a way to estimate consumption of salt when dealing with the boiled meat? I.e. I had 500 grams of meat, boiled in 2 litres of water, with 5 grams of sal

Increasing my pancake recipe..Are soda and salt in a different ratio than the other ingredients?

I need to increase my pancake recipe 4.5 times. I seem to remember that the salt and soda are increased at a smaller ratio than the rest of the ingredients. I

What is processed meat?

There is inconsistent terminology surrounding what is considered "processed meat". Some take any meat that has been smoked, cured, or possibly dried to be "proc

Is there a way to make leafy green vegetables absorb salt throughout their tissue?

For example you can make protein tissue absorb salt by brining/dry curing it. What ways can I make say some spinach or kale tissue absorb salt? I want the sal

Type of salt to use for Indian recipes

I cook lots of Indian food - can I use kosher salt\crystallized sea salt for my curries? I like the way you have more control on how much salt you're adding bec

Bread with no salt

I've been doing a lot of yeast bread baking as of late and I got to wondering what the salt in the bread was for. Upon doing some research it turns out (aside

Is Himalayan pink salt the same as the pink salt used for curing?

I'm interested in curing meat, and most recipes require pink salt (which contains nitrites to help cure the meat). Is Himalayan pink salt the same thing?

How to fix food that got extra salty?

How to fix food that got extra salty? I imagine this depends on what the food is. With spaghetti, you can add water or change water if you detect it on time. Bu

Vegetable Soup Missing Something Fundamental? [closed]

In response to the "on hold", I'll attempt to make the question more clear and specific. Is there an ingredient or ingredients (or technique)

What kinds of metals are good for a salt shaker?

What kinds of kinds metals are good for a salt shaker? Are there metals which will react with the salt in them to cause either the shaker to corrode or ruin the

Is salt really necessary for cooking pasta? [duplicate]

I never put salt into the water when I boil it to make pasta even though cooking directions always suggest I do that and the pasta comes out f

Should I add salt to my sauerkraut recipe if I add vegetables?

I am following a sauerkraut recipe which calls for a specific amount of salt. They say I can add other vegetables, like carrots. Do I need more salt if I add mo

Himalayan salt in place of table salt

I know you can use pink Himalayan salt for cooking, but I'm wondering if you can use it directly on food after it has been cooked, can you put it on steak or fr