Category "ripe"

Can you tell how ripe a banana is by the actual fruit not the peel?

Hi I am doing a research project on banana ripeness and cannot find a way to tell the ripeness of a banana from the inside of it. I cannot use taste to measure

How long does it take to ripen tomatoes in a bag with bananas?

I read a tip about putting unripe tomatoes in a bag with a few bananas, and keeping them in a dark part of the house at room temperature. How long, more or less

Why do we eat unripened chili peppers?

Many types of peppers, such as Anaheim peppers, poblano peppers, serrano peppers, and jalapeño peppers - are red when fully ripe and green while immature

Can/do apples and pears ripen?

It seems to me that apples and pears are pretty much hard for a long time. Does it make sense to speak of some point at which they are ripe and best for eating?

How can I tell if my acorn squash is ripe before cutting it open?

Is there any way to tell if an acorn squash is ripe before cutting it open to cook it? I keep getting unripe squash from the grocery store, and I don't know the

How to tell if my fig is ripe

For the past couple years I can't ever seem to pick my figs when they're ripe. Not sure if it's the breed of fig or if I'm missing something else. I just picked

What causes stringy winter squash?

I know that spaghetti squash is supposed to be stringy; this question is not about that. When I cook winter squash, I cut the squash in half, remove the centre

How long should I let durian ripen in a freezer bag?

I recently picked up some cut up durian at an Asian supermarket, and since pre-packaged fruit normally is a little under ripe, I was wondering how long I shoul

Speeding up avocado ripening [duplicate]

Sometimes you want to buy an avocado, but all they have are hard on touch and you know they are not ready yet; they are rubbery and untasty.

How can I increase the longevity of my bananas? [duplicate]

I have some bananas that I just bought at Trader Joe's. They're nice, fresh, yellow, and full of general banana-ness. But if I take more tha

Does ripening banans in a bag with other fruit harm the other fruit?

Our office just got its first fruit shipment, which included an apology for the under-ripe bananas and the suggestion to put them in a brown paper bag along wit

Can bananas really be ripened through oven baking?

I am following a diet for IBS called the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD). Only bananas that are ripe, i.e. well spotted, can be consumed. Green and non-spotty

How can I aquire (not avoid) sour blueberries?

If I'm specifically looking for sour blueberries, what can I do to best avoid the sweet ones? If buying from the store, do I just look for berries that are mo

How do the nutritional values of bananas change as they ripen?

Unripe bananas are hard with thick skins and an unmistakeable raw flavour. As they ripen they shrink slightly, the skins become thinner, and the fruit becomes s

Rescuing a CUT but unripe avocado

I've seen this Q&A What can I do to help my avocados ripen? And this one Will avocado stay fresh longer if stored in the refrigerator? and this one Wha

Can refractometers measure a banana's glucose content?

I heard that to measure a banana's ripeness I would have to compare its sugar to starch ratio, but what would be the best method of doing that? I am not sure if

Is this Kabocha squash bad?

I just cut open Kabocha that I picked up yesterday at the farmers market and noticed some strange spots. Is this ok to cook?

Why is my mango not ripening correctly?

I have always been good at being able to tell when a mango is ripe based on the firmness and smell. For the last several batches I have purchased, however, almo

How to tell when a soursop is ripe

I purchased a soursop at the grocery store recently, because it sounded interesting and tasty. I tried to make a smoothie with it, but it tasted very bitter an

Avocado hard and grey inside

I had a batch of avocados from the supermarket, as I normally do. I often have 3-5 days before they're past the point of being edible. This batch was not more t