Category "rice-cooker"

Rice cooker problem: film appears after cooking

What is this and why does it appear? It always happened, maybe I cook rice the wrong way, or maybe it comes from the rice itself... I wash the rice with wate

How much rice should I cook per person?

I would like to know how much rice I should cook per person. Preferably in some "fast" measurements - like cups, spoons, etc. It would also be nice to know how

Large quantities of sushi rice in a rice cooker?

I'm looking to cook large quantities of sushi rice (short grained) in a rice cooker. Any tips? I have a commercial cooker but it only has a cook and warm settin

What are the odds that American household have a rice cooker? [closed]

We started a Kickstarter project of creating an e-book with online videos to show you how to make sushi, from a master sushi chef. We are wo

What's the size of the plastic cup that came with my rice cooker?

I have a cheap-o rice cooker that works fine for me. It came with a plastic cup to measure 1, 2 or 3 "plastic cup" units of rice. Water is added to match the

Can I cook lentils in a rice cooker?

Can I cook lentils in a rice cooker? Would I need to adjust my lentils/water ratio?

Whats wrong with my rice cooking process in my Zojirushi?

I recently purchased a Zojirushi NP-GBC05 3 cup rice-cooker. I read through the manual and some instructions online. I have made 3 batches of rice so far and tw

How do I determine the amount of water I need to use with my eletric rice cooker

I just realized that I don't know if I should add more or less water next time. What sort of signs would indicate that I should add less water and what signs wo

Is leaving a Teflon rice cooker on overnight dangerous?

I own a cheap Rival brand rice cooker. Here is a link to the product page. Note that there is an inner removable bowl where the rice is cooked. This bowl is coa

Downside of 'Turbo' mode on rice cooker?

My rice cooker has an optional Turbo mode when cooking rice. The mode is off by default. As I understand, the upside is that rice cooks faster. What's the do

Why does my rice cooker's steam hole always clog?

The lid on my rice cooker has a small steam hole that gets clogged from bubbles forming and the quinoa gets stuck and then the whole thing boils over and makes

Safe to use rice cooker after mold grew on rice?

So I left brown rice in my rice cooker for 10+ days and unsurprisingly, some dark mold grew on the rice while I was gone. Will hot water and detergent be enough

Making sticky rice without rice cooker

I know that a rice cooker is the easiest way to make sticky rice, because of the way it is steamed. However, I don't have a rice cooker: what is the most effect

Preparing Brown Rice

I have a rice cooker with brown rice setting. I struggle getting the brown rice cooked properly. I get it either too soft or too dry once it is done cooking. I

What are the benefits of "fuzzy logic" in a rice cooker?

I'm considering making the giant leap to a serious rice cooker -- after research, it seems like the Zojirushi is the way to go, even over the venerated Tiger --

How do I make black rice turn out better in a rice cooker?

There appears to be little to no info out there specifically regarding black rice and rice cookers. My rice cooker manual says nothing about it. The article on

Why does my rice smell?

I don't understand why my rice smells like eggs.. We have a new rice cooker that we used for two months now. I wash it, but should I deep clean it? Also, I put

Less sticky rice and lentils

I have a recipe that calls for rice and green lentils to be cooked at the same time in a rice cooker. I do this and everything cooks nicely, then I add the rest

Pressure cooker rice quality vs high-end rice cooker

I'm considering buying a proper rice cooker, as we've eaten most of the non-stick coating of the cheap one. The forums rave about induction heating, Zojirushi,

How do I cook sticky rice/glutinous rice in my rice cooker?

I would like to try and recreate the sticky rice (aka glutinous rice or sweet rice) as I often find served in a kratip at my local USA Thai restaurant. I alread