Category "reheating"

I have some slow-cooked pork in the freezer and just need to warm it up

I slow-cooked this meat about six months ago and had a lot left over which went into the freezer in a tightly-wrapped plastic bag. It does not really matter no

How long should one steam food to reheat safely?

One of the big problems with reheating food in a microwave or an oven is that it dries out the dish. To safely eat reheated food, it requires to be brought up t

Why do we need to reheat food?

Among family, I have found radically different approaches to reheating food that has already been fully cooked. Some will not eat last night's leftovers unless

Reheating and Storing Chicken/Potato Soup For 10 Hours

I would like to reheat chicken/potato soup (heavy whipped cream, cooked chicken, flour, potato, cooked bacon, some salt, and vegetables to name a few ingredient

Does store bought fully cooked rotisserie chicken need to be reheated to 165 degrees?

A little confusion on my part: I have a fully cooked whole rotisserie chicken which I put in the fridge. I read or google that when reheating to serve I should

How long does polenta take to cook and how to reheat it?

How long does polenta take to cook? I never made one before. Chefs on YouTube always make it in like 10 minute tops. But people online have written that it take

Frozen dinners extremely dry after reheating

Frozen dinners become extremely dry after reheating them, so much so that I choke on them while eating. Why could this possibly happen, and how can I avoid it?

Reheating roast with crisp crackling

I want to buy a pork roast on the evening of 23d December, and eat it on the lunch of the 26th (here it is). It is a crispy crackling roast, the skin will inevi

How can I reheat chicken without it getting rubbery or dry?

Reheating chicken in the microwave is usually a disaster, rubbery and awful or underheated. In the toaster oven, the meat will frequently dry out. How can I r

Reheating/Cooking Sausages in a Microwave?

I bought a fully cooked pack of frozen sausages. On the instructions it says to eat cold(Defrost only in the microwave) and to eat hot(boil them for 2-3 minutes

What would be the best way to freeze and reheat home-made pizza

I have been baking home-made pizza (home-made dough, toppings etc.). with great results, using a pizza steel and a ripping hot regular domestic oven. The base i

Is it safe to reheat mushrooms?

According to this very popular Bright Side video ( , it is not safe to reheat mushrooms as they not only lose their nutritional val