Category "nutrient-composition"

How to calculate the calorie content of cooked food?

I like to cook from scratch, and I'm currently trying to loose a few pounds. I know that cooked food is generally more calorific than raw food, so if I add up t

How does the UK nutrition "Traffic Light System" work?

I have been trying to understand the UK "Traffic Light" system of labelling food nutrition as a helpful guide to maintaining a healthy diet and to focus this qu

Does boiling chia seed affect the amount of omega 3 (ALA) in them?

I used to add them to lentils in a stew like dish, mainly to get my ALA requirements. I read that Omega 3 fatty acids are not heat stable but I am not sure at w

Homemade Yogurt Nutrition Info

How does one calculate the nutrition of homemade yogurt? I'm using 2% milk and a packet of yogurt culture. Does anything change during cooking that makes the