Category "language"

How many milliliters is a "pinch?"

I found a recipe in English that mentions a "pinch" of something. English is not my first language, and Google shows that "pinch" has many meanings. Do I have t

What is "hand hot"?

How hot is "hand hot"? Should it be about the temperature where you can stand leaving your hand in the water ... but any degree hotter and it wouldn't be toler

How many different varieties of 'pancake' are there?

I'm not talking about ingredient differences like adding blueberries or chocolate chips, or even buttermilk or cooked pumpkin to the batter ... How many funda

What is the correct French word for brisket?

What word can I use to accurately describe brisket of beef in French? I usually go to the butcher with a chart of US beef cuts and point to it but it neer seems

Where can I find buttermilk in France?

The translation for buttermilk is given as babeurre, but this doesn't correspond to anything I can find in grocery stores or cheese shops here. I suspect that t

What is the egg mixture used in gratins called in English?

This is one of these weird cases of synchronicity. I was wondering today how it is called in English. Then I answered a question, and needed the word for the an

What does it mean for something to be broiled?

More specifically, what is the difference between broiling and boiling?

"Pie" vs "Tart"?

I've been told that there are some differences between a "pie" and a "tart". What's the difference, and when do I call it a pie, and when do I call it a tart?

What is a Vienna Schnitzel?

I have heard this term frequently used, but I haven't been able to find a definition, even in the extensive Wikipedia Article on Schnitzel.

What's the difference between jam, jelly, and preserves?

I assume the difference in name is due to their cooking processes, but am unsure what exactly makes them different.

Whats the cooking method called where you bury the raw food in hot charcoal ashes?

Whats this cooking method called where you bury the raw food (potato, sugarbeet, guava, corn cobs)in hot charcoal ashes?

What are "hog lumps"?

Some recent questions about pork rinds inspired me to inquire about this. My wife and I are quite fond of the English film Shaun of the Dead. The characters i

Cookies called monte cows?

A family member recently inherited a recipe for some simple but delicious crumbly cookies from her grandmother. They consist of flour, sugar, and canola oil wit

What is macaroni cooked in milk called?

Is there a name for the partial dish where you simmer macaroni in milk for 30-60 minutes? It's called stuvade makaroner in Swedish:

What is this French cuisine technique called, where "a piece of pheasant meat is cooked between two slices of veal, which are then discarded?"

A famed physicist Murray Gell-Mann compared a theoretical machinery in high energy physics theory to a technique in French cuisine, which he described thus:

What is the English name for Chitra Rajmah?

What is this variety of kidney beans called in English? We call them "Chitra Rajmah" in Hindi.

What is the name for a chef's hat?

I would like to know what the long hat that chef's wear is called. Toque is what Google/Wikipedia proffer but is it really that?

What international cooking terms sound similar but have different meanings?

I am not the only international user here, and I bet that others are just as confused as I am when we read something on an American-centric re

What are purple small Brinjals called in English?

There are white and green Brinjals too. Are the purple ones known by some special name?

Explanation of the phrase "Eye of Round Roast"

I need to translate the type of meat called "Eye of Round Roast" to Danish. It would be extremely lucky, if anyone here speaks Danish as well as having a quite