Category "ginger"

Mixture of ingredients has a bitter taste

I put ginger, cilantro, red onion, jalapeno and garlic in a blender for a dish I'm preparing. This mixture was going to be fried in oil. I noticed that it had a

How should soda made with "ginger bug" smell/taste?

I recently fermented a ginger soda using a ginger bug that I made. The bug seemed good to me - no funky mold growing on it, and it fizzled when I stirred it. Th

How do I properly mince ginger?

I often need to mince ginger to add to any number of dishes. If I don't want to use a microplane, how do I mince ginger with a knife? What type of knife should

How to clean ginger for tea

I have recently taken up making homemade ginger tea. I am living in Korea and most produce is very dirty and has to be cleaned. The ginger is very..curvy with

Structure of tomato, ginger and garlic after blending in a blender

Found a new recipe, and it called for blending two (average sized) tomatoes, about a tablespoon of grated ginger (15 grams let's say), and four grated garlic cl

What to do with ginger leftover from ginger ale production

so I have been experimenting in ginger ale brewing lately and I have been following a method which involves fermenting the ale as always (ginger, water, sugar)

Can ginger root that's gone bad hurt you if you eat it?

We use ginger root with a mixture of lemon and other ingredients. Can ginger root that's gone bad hurt you if you eat it?

I left pickled ginger left out of fridge

I accidentally left some opened pickled ginger out of the fridge for 8 hours. is it still good?

Silty bottom (precipitate) in ginger ale

For the first time, I'm fermenting ginger ale using my 7-day enriched ginger culture and a large batch of sweetened ginger tea using 50/50 brown sugar and musco

Ginger drink question

7 ounces fresh ginger 2 cups water 3⁄4 cup granulated sugar lime wedge (to garnish) ice (garnish) sparkling water (to taste) pee

How do I strain ginger powder to make ginger tea?

I was thinking maybe a coffee filter would work, but then it might not have enough time to fully brew the ginger. I don't know what other ways to filter are goo

Can we preserve garlic and ginger paste?

Its mostly said that we should use fresh garlic and ginger paste as after some time the paste loses its taste? So what’s the best way to preserve it, so t

What is an alternative for ginger? [closed]

Some people don't like ginger taste in meal. What can I use instead of ginger? Actually I want to cook cauliflower, so what can I use instead

Will Asarum europaeum add a ginger flavor?

I was looking through a cooking catalog, and came across GINGER, EUROPEAN which made me wonder if this is like normal ginger that you cook with.

How to Remove Garlic Ginger Paste smell from refrigerator

When I put paste of garlic and ginger in the fridge the smell of paste spread in all the fridge and the other things too which are in the fridge.Kindly help me

Why is Ginger essence hard to get hold of?

Not been able to get hold of essence of ginger for a while now and wondered why?? there anywhere in UK that still does it or has it been discontinued fo

How do you preserve fresh ginger?

For cooking it would be great to have a self made sub-product from ginger, but: if refrigerated, you get rather something like thin ginger juice I don't like

Extracting flavor of ginger in cooking

I have noticed and tried the practice of frying the combination of ginger and garlic pieces in oil/ghee at the very beginning, prominently in Indian cuisines. H

Are these parts of the ginger plant edible?

Are these tiny roots edible? My home grown ginger has lots of them and it seems a shame to throw them out if they're edible.

What is the white sediment / residue found in ginger juice?

I blended up some skinned ginger and squeezed the juice out of it via a meshed strainer with small holes (I only wanted the juice and I was collecting the pulp