Category "fruit"

Culinary uses for juniper extract?

I bought some juniper extract for making bath stuff, and it doesn't seem to be very effective for this purpose. I have used juniper berries before, so I thought

Do Raisins Become Stale

Do Raisins become stale? What happens to them? How should I store them?

What effects will xylitol have as a sugar substitute?

What effects does xylitol have when used in place of sugar? Will replacing sugar with xylitol lower the calories in my candy? Does it have a laxative effect

How do I use whole fresh tamarind?

On a whim I bought some tamarind at the grocery store this week. I'm most familiar with it from the dish Pad Thai. My idea at the time was that I would "do some

How to use gelatin on fruit pie?

I feel very stupid for asking this, but I've never worked with gelatin. I know how to work with powder or sheets, if you put it in something like panna cotta. I

Food safety of meat vs. veggies and fruit with mold on them

Obviously, it's bad to eat moldy food, so I don't do so. However, the other day I was presented with both an old pot roast and asparagus in the fridge, both of

How to wash pesticides from fruit skins?

We eat many fruits and veggies at home and I am concerned about the amount pesticides on fruits like strawberries. Is washing the fruit effective enough? Does a

What's Fruit Salt?

A recipe I am trying out (for khaman dhokla) requires fruit salt. What is it? What can I use as a suitable substitute?

Baking watermelon

A while back I saw an article/recipe for baking watermelon -- the watermelon was cut into fillets and baked for a couple hours (IIRC). This was supposed to tota

Which type of blueberry for making jam?

If I want to make blueberry jam, which type of blueberry should I use? I just bought a pack of blueberry, but I found that the flesh/pulp of them is not blue,

How can I keep my blueberry pie firm without the flavor of corn starch?

In the summer, I often make a refrigerated blueberry pie. The recipe calls for a graham cracker crust, and you make the filling by cooking one pint of blueberri

How to wash soft fruit?

I bought a pack of blackberries from the supermraket and the label said to wash before use. I tried that and it completely ruined them. I tried running them un

How can I make use of an underripe mango

I bought a mango this morning that seemed to be ripe; at least it was the ripest of the bunch. I'm somewhat acquainted with picking out red/green mangoes, but t

Plum preserving/storage method that tastes like plums, not prunes (I just picked 30 lbs)

I just did some neighborhood foraging and picked 30 pounds of red plums. They are delicious, but even I will have trouble eating them all this week. Last year

Making fruit syrup less viscous while retaining flavor

I'm making snow cones from real fruit syrup that I'm making myself - the problem is that the fruit syrup comes out too viscous and it tends to set on top of the

Hints on storage of vegetables and fruit

Different fruits and vegetables require different treatment in order to preserve their integrity, micronutrient contents and especially taste over the longest p

How to pick a good mango at a local store?

Simply just like the title says. I LOVE mango. But the thing is I don't know how to pick a good one at the local store. I read some tips somewhere from Googling

How to add fresh fruit chunks to ice cream?

What are the key techniques when adding chunks of fresh fruit to homemade ice cream? How do I prepare the fruit, and when is the best time to add it to the ice

data about the rate of nutrient decay in fruit/vegetable juice [closed]

This is a related question to Do centrifugal juicers destroy vitamins through friction? Is there any quantitative data about the rate of vita

Are seeds in melons and other fruits good to eat?

I usually throw away seeds in melons (and other fruits) and I paradoxically buy different seeds from the store. Are seeds in such things good to eat and where c