Category "food-science"

How do you make the wishbone break easier?

Real simple. Kids love breaking the wishbone from a turkey or chicken. What do I need to do so that the wishbone has a nice crack (more brittle) when they are

Why do we dimple a focaccia?

When I was making a focaccia earlier today, I realised that I've never been told why we dimple them before baking. A quick Googling didn't reveal anything, so I

What made my pancakes taste fizzy?

I made pancakes a couple times recently, and they had a strange reaction to some frozen raspberries we had. When we put the raspberries onto the pancakes, they

How do I thicken Advocaat without evaporating any alcohol?

To resurrect an 1-2 year old English Christmas dark fruitcake, I removed the icing and marzipan, infused it liberally with whiskey liqueur - then cut it into cu

Cure #1 in Brine for Brisket

I'm trying for the first time to cure a second cut brisket (1.8 lbs.) to make pastrami (after curing the meat I will smoke it and then steam it). I followed a r

Making pork pernil, and had a slight "lasagna battery" issue - is it safe to eat?

I am in the process of making the cook's illustrated recipe for pork pernil. For the first hour, you heat marinated pork at 450, covered tightly in a roasting p

When making fried rice, how does the amount of heat affect the taste of the food?

This answer talks about the amount of heat required for cooking fried rice which tastes similar to restaurants. I want to understand the science behind it. Ple

Why my meatballs sweated all of their fat?

I have made simple meatballs with red onions, some eggs, drizzle of olive oil and chopped scallions. Put them into the oven at 220c (440f) and this is what came

How do you season and cook to palates and preferences different than yours?

Often times the dishes I am the most disappointed with end up being a hit with my family. It is almost as if our tastes contrast each other. Given that, how ca

Will meat taste okay if I cook it in a pan where the leftover fond seems burned?

I have found that after 2 batches of chicken breasts, the fond is in the pan for enough time to start burning, so the third batch gets a little black and starts

Sweet and Sour?

In comments related to this question, there was discussion about pH, fructose concentration, what compounds a fruit contains, etc. influencing or determining "f

Water turned brown

I put water in a stainless steel pot and a strainer on top and put spinach in the strainer to steam it all for a delicious quiche, but the water turned brown. W

Do eggshells let flavours pass through during boiling?

If i had 2 eggs. 1 i boil in plain water. The other i boil in say a curry sauce. After boiling and peeling, would they taste different to one another? Do the

Which factors determine the absorption levels of foods? [closed]

I wonder if there are some general rules for primary food groups (meat, veggies) that a cook can use to increase/decrease the amount of oil, w

How to have my solar system stick that would be edible

I am doing a solar system project in my science bell. I have the choice to make edible food. So I wanted to make cookies for the solar system. Here's the proble

Why does food spoil in the freezer?

Many recipes suggest storing perishable food, such as left-over chicken stock, in the freezer for up to 2-3 months. Why could one not store it frozen for longer

Cheese making, acidic whey, denatured protein

I wish to know. Does protein in acidic whey gets denatured and is it unfit for consumption. By acidic whey I mean whey which was made through citric acid as spl

Why meat gets tough after soaking it in vinegar solution for more than 24 hours?

Vinegar is a marinade and i have tried marinating meat before too but if meat is soaked in vinegar solution for more than 24 hours then it gets tougher.Why?

Are there food combinations that are dangerous?

Is there a combination of ingredients that will chemically interact to create poison? I am interested in whether this possible with any common preparation meth

What is the most energy efficient way to cook meat on an electric stove?

I have a reduced sense of taste and smell; so when I cook, things like preparation times, cost of ingredients, energy efficiency, healthiness and to a small ext