Category "fermentation"

Why is my yogurt sour at the top and non-sour at the bottom

I make yogurt with a yogurt maker and the yogurt is nice and thick, but it is very sour at the top only and the rest is almost sweet, like a sweet fresh cheese.

Silty bottom (precipitate) in ginger ale

For the first time, I'm fermenting ginger ale using my 7-day enriched ginger culture and a large batch of sweetened ginger tea using 50/50 brown sugar and musco

Can I add to lacto-ferment jars as I harvest?

Last year I made lacto-fermented jalapenos from my garden and they were great! I took what was left at the end of the season plus I added some local peppers fro

My cultured butter homogenised again after separating

I tried making cultured butter using a very simple recipe: 500 ml of cream mixed with 30 ml of buttermilk, left on the counter for a couple of days. Then mix to

Fermentation: volume vs. time

This is specifically a question about chiles, but I hope it can be (semi)universally applied. I was watching a documentary on how they make Tabasco and it was

Brown streaking in cooked idli, from white looking batter - what gives?

Batter was made from "double horse" idli mix (which by label only contains rice and urad dal), plus a few fenugreek seeds, ground in a blender as the package re

Is my honey fermenting?

I bought a jar of honey a few months ago, and left it at the back of the cupboard. When it resurfaced a few days ago, I saw that the jar contained a lot of bubb

How do I tell if my fermented sauce has gone bad?

Related to another question of mine: I found this recipe for a lacto fermented hot sauce. Basically you take blended up chiles, 2.5% salt, water (not sure if n

Why are fermented dairy products pasteurised?

Could it be for longer shelf life?How much longer does pasteurised dairy products last compared to non pasteurised one?It doesn't make much sense to me to destr

​What is the purpose of salt in fermented vegetables?

I'm trying to stay low on sodium so I limit salt intake to minimum wherever possible (most of it comes from bread, fermented vegetables or a tiny dash here and

1 ltr Milk is not curdling even after squeezing 2 lemons; What could possibly wrong?

I was trying to make Paneer (a type of cheese). So I boiled once then added 2 table spoons of lemon juice. Milk should be separated out instantly from water but

How can I prevent mold from growing on the surface of my sauerkraut brine?

Related My sauerkraut has mold covering the surface, is it ok? -- but this asks if it's ok, I am thinking it's not OK and want to prevent it from growing at all

Vinegar Smell from Sourdough Starter

I am in the process of creating my sour-dough starter. I've been mixing in water and "strong bread flour" around a 1:1 ratio (100g of each, slightly more water

What is the risk of food poisoning when making nattō

I've been making sourdough and kombucha for a while now, and the results are great. I've never taken any particular care with the utensils. I wash my hands befo

Does natto really need to be fermented at body temperature?

I want to make natto, and recipes say that it should be fermented at ~38°C/100°F. My oven doesn't have a bread proving or defrost setting, and previous

Completing an unattended to apple cider vinegar

Two and a half months ago, I started making apple cider vinegar using apples, honey and water; all were organic, filtered and no metallic utensils were used. I

Coconut yoghurt too thick

I've been trying to make a creamy coconut yoghurt in an incubator. Ingredients: Water Coconut milk powder Small amount of store-bought coconut yoghurt The firs

Are salamis/pepperonis in the USA truly fermented?

I've been exploring making my own salami and have learned that it is a lot of work! Not only must you make sausage, but you must also ferment it and dry it for

Why slow ferment after shaping?

Many people say you have to slow ferment your bread after shaping to give it better flavor, but I can never understand that. Why not just slow ferment the whol

Is there a multipurpose cooking appliance that can be used to make natto?

I want to try making some of my own natto, since it is a bit pricey getting it from the store. Looking at online recipes (such as this and this) it appears tha