Category "fermentation"

When milk is cultured (eg kefir), what changes occur in terms of lactose, glucose and galactose levels?

When milk is cultured (eg kefir), what changes occur in terms of lactose, glucose and galactose levels? What happens to these sugars, and why?

How to make fluffy Appam without Sweet?

I have seen all recipies of Appam that use sugar for fermenting. How can I make salty tasting fluffy white appam ? I have wasted around 3 kgs of rice trying it

Making my first big batch of Kefir, the milk went bad. Why?

I ordered some Kefir grains online and they arrived looking healthy, at least to my untrained eye. I put them in milk and changed the milk every day for three

Food safety of sauerkraut whose brine evaporated below surface?

We started a batch of sauerkraut about a month ago. We used the outer leaves of the cabbage to cover the shredded cabbage below. The cabbage was brined with ade

Do Morrocan-stye pickled lemons really need 5 to 10% salt?

I want to make Morrocan-stye pickled lemons, but I was only able to find one site with an explicit ratio, and it says: In On Food and Cooking, Harold McGee sug

how to make a "biting" buttermilk

Some brands of fermented dairy products have a certain "bite" to them, literally a tingling sensation on the tongue when you eat them. I've found it in Danish

Want vinegar taste!

I want to try fermenting sauerkraut but I love the vinegary taste. Can I add vinegar to the mix or is there another way to get a more vinegar taste?

Is this batch of sauerkraut salvageable?

In researching sauerkraut recipes, I saw one could make it in a crock pot or jar covered with cheesecloth. Not having a suitable jar & not wanting to use my

Can you ferment tomatoes in a fermenting crock with water seal?

Going all the way, fermenting everything... 😉 Can tomatoes be fermented in fermentation crock?

I recently tried to make sourdough with my starter, it didn't rise. Why is there still a crumb?

I started and cared for my first sourdough starter for 6 days, had a decently active starter. It would rise noticeably, maybe 1.3x after feeding. I made a basi

What can I mix and store Kimchi in? [duplicate]

I'm looking for ways I can use containers to mix and store kimchi from the thrift store. I don't want to buy special containers, unless I hav

Why is the salt washed off the cabbage in kimchi but not on sauerkraut?

All the videos I have seen always wash the salt off the Napa cabbage in kimchi but they never do in sauerkraut? How come? Is the brine necessary for fermentat

Can I use live yoghurt to kick-start fermentation?

I am making a type of fermented sausage from the Faroe Islands. The recipe says to keep them above 20 degrees (Celsius) for the first 12 hours, to make sure the

My hot sauce pops

I am a hot sauce producer and I'm dealing with some problems that I think have to do with the hot weather. When I finish my sauce (processed with a fruit-based

How long will a bread ferment last before it is no good?

I have a bread recipe that I would like to try, but it requires a ferment using Guiness. The recipe says to leave it for 4 - 6 hours to get it going. All of

Can fresh basil cause tomato sauce spoilage?

I added fresh basil to tomato sauce once it was bottled, just before sealing. Never done this before and I lost the whole batch within 2 weeks. Can fresh basil

What's the difference between pickling and fermentation in cabbage?

I was discussing various "cabbage things" on Cooking chat, including coleslaw, sauerkraut, and kimchi. One thing I noticed that confused me was that coleslaw W

Fermented onions in orange juice took a long time to show activity - are they safe to eat?

I'm trying to ferment sliced red onions in orange juice with 6% salt. I used one tablespoon kimchi juice to start it. It was started Monday last week, but unti

Unable to make yogurt in cold climate

I have read the answers to this question - How to thicken yogurt and I am not sure if my question is on topic or not - this is the procedure I followed to make

What is the correct reference for amount of salt in lacto-fermenting?

When lacto-fermenting pickles, sauerkraut, kimchi, etc. do you do your salt calculations per amount of brine, or salt per volume of the pickling container? I m