Category "chips"

Par-fry potato chips or Par-boil?

I'm considering par-frying instead of par-boiling my chips. I'll still soak them in vinegar and water to get some of the starch out. I'll be par-frying the nigh

What is inside the Prawn Cocktail crisps flavour?

I'm looking to make something close-enough at home for a friend. I'm suspecting it doesn't actually have Prawns in it.

How to make wet fries?

There's a place that does 'wet fries.' They look more like English chips though, and they're basically floppy and wet from the sauce it's placed into. The ingr

Attempting to make Coconut Pringles - dough too crumbly

not a cook here. Attempting to make coconut based "pringles". here's my recipe: 3/4 cup coconut blended into essentially coconut butter 3/4 cup coconut flour

How are crisp flavours made?

So, in my local supermarket, I stumbled upon these bags of "Wiltshire Cured Ham, Mature Cheddar and Farmhouse Chutney" flavoured crisps (a.o.) and inquisitive a

How to make Frozen french fries

I'm a takeaway owner and for the past two weeks I have been trying to make my own frozen french fries. But the results are very bad, my fries either stick along

Should I par-boil my pickled potatoes before roasting them?

I am attempting to make some pickled fries, similar to However, I don't have a frier (nor do I want to fry on the s

Alternative fish for Fish and Chips

There is no cod or haddock where I live and I am looking for an tasteful alternative. I tried seabass and it was nice but what would be more accurate alternativ

Getting crispy banana chips

My pan fried banana chips are crisp at the beginning.But later it looses crispines.This happens evenafter storing in air tight containers.What is the mistake i

Fish from local chip shops smells fishy, but not from one shop?

As per the title, we have tried fish and chips from several local fish and chip shops, and whenever we get in the car to drive home with them we instantly smell

What do you call it and where to buy some

What do you call these in English, before the frying process, and where can they be purchased?

How to make fried beetroot chips

How can we make crispy fried beetroot chips with a bright red color? I tried several times with or without maïzena in many different temperatures but the r

Why using low temperature cooking for potatoes?

I saw somewhere a recipe for using souse vide at 90C for potatoes. I understand low temperature/long time cooking technics are for tenderizing meat. What is th

What is this food?

I buy these in Morocco. In the state seen in the picture, they are hard and inedible. When you put them into hot oil, they inflate, doubling in size, and become

by covering your pan with an inch of oil - depth or length [closed]


Name for turning ingredients to powder / mush, and then molding back into their original shape

Is there a name for the technique of turning an ingredient into a homogeneous mass, and then molding it back into its original shape, or the shape of a less-pro

Crisping Butternut Squash Chips

My goal is to make a crispy butternut squash chip without deep frying, but from all my various trials, the chips keep coming out chewy, with a texture similar t

Batter. Cross contamination by

I would like to know Whilst cooking and serving in a fish and chip shop can i Serve food, All dipped in same batter and rice cone containers, using beef and chi

Dehydrator potato chips

I am trying to make potato chips using my dehydrator, but the keep coming out hard and plastic like. They are to hard to eat. I cut them at 1/16 of and inch and

What's the difference between a deep fryer and a chip pan?

As described in the Wikipedia article, a chip pan is a pan that contains oil for frying. The oil is heated to a high temperature, and then usually a metal baske