Category "chili-peppers"

Does chili paste require refrigeration?

A recipe I am planning to make calls for chili paste, which I have never used before. I found some in the grocery store (it is Sambal Oelek ground fresh chili p

Is there a spice that is hot and colorless?

I want to prepare a drink that is hot (spicy) but I don't want to use regular hot sauce because it will affect the color. Is there anything like "clear" hot sau

What should I know about storing my homemade chili powder?

I am planning on making some chili powder this weekend using ancho, pasilla, and guajillo peppers. I got a nice big bag of each recently and have some questions

What is the dark stuff inside a green bell pepper?

My wife has been cutting up some green bell peppers and on the seeds is some dark stuff. The outside was firm and normal looking.

Which mild pepper is a good substitute for Serrano pepper?

I plan to make a guacamole dip and one of the ingredients is Serrano pepper, which is 10,000 to 23,000 heat units by the Scoville scale. That is way too spic

What kind of peppers are used in Gochugaru (고추가루)?

I'm trying to make kimchi, but I don't have any chili powder (gochugaru -고추가루). Does anyone know what type of chili pepper(s) this

Stuffed peppers that don't burn on to the pot

My wife and I enjoy peppers stuffed with a meat/rice mix (with spices). We start with raw peppers and uncooked meat, and put the peppers in a small pot (or tag

Capsaicin - how sourced and what's in it

I face a problem here, cooking thai quite often and using the same sort of chillies every time, bird's eye chillies. The problem is that some of them are hotter

Pickling Peppers

I want to pickle the banana peppers, jalepenos and bell peppers from my garden. I have a small sandwich bag full of banana peppers so far, but no more than tha

What is a substitute for Anaheim Peppers?

I am making a dish that requires Anaheim Peppers. They don't have them in my local store... what else can I use.

What is the hottest part of a chili/chilli/chile pepper?

I often hear different points of view to this question - some say the hottest part of the chili is its seeds, yet I've heard some (arguably more believable) sou

What is the way to make a powder of red chilies?

I purchase green chilies and in some days many of them turn red. Can I use my mixer-grinder to grind them into a powder, or is there some other way? Do I hav

What can I do with Bhut Jolokia's?

I'm growing some Bhut Jolokia's (world hottest pepper aka ghost pepper) amongst other hot peppers. Anyone have any recommendations what I can do with them? I pi

Should chili peppers be seared?

I've seen some recipes call for chili peppers to be roasted until the skin is charred but not burnt, and then peeled. How does this change their flavour? (Do t

What is the world's hottest pepper?

I'm growing some bhut jolokia peppers, and they are almost ready for harvesting. However, I've since seen that the naga viper pepper has beaten the bhut joloki

Pimientos de Padron equivalent

In Spain I had a wonderful tapa called Pimiento de Padron. Green chiles fried in olive oil and salted. What type of chile could I find in the US to replicate th

Can you identify these chiles on sale in Serbia and Macedonia?

In the market in Niš, Serbia yesterday there were the most beautiful capsicums (bell peppers, red peppers) and chiles on display that I've ever seen. Bu

Only the seeds of the habaneros I bought are hot - low quality, or simply the nature of chili?

I'm a newbie when it comes to any type of chili. I'm alright at eating food with chili, but don't really have any experience with using it. I bought the one I

What happens to the heat/capsaicin content of a pepper when you roast it?

We received some extremely hot peppers of some sort in our CSA bin. They're a light green color and look like under-ripe habaneros, and we can't for the life of

Why did my hot pepper oil get moldy?

While following the advice in this answer I placed two ripe Bhut Jolokia peppers in a fresh bottle of olive oil, and put it on the shelf to sit for a month so t