Category "candy"

How can you pipe hot melted candy into free-form shapes?

I recently made free-form candy swirls out of chocolate-like coloured candy. When I got to the point of putting it into my disposable plastic piping bag, I had

Salted butter in toffee

What effects would using salted butter instead of unsalted butter have on a toffee recipe? I'm using the basic Equal parts butter and sugar Heat to soft cra

hard crack candy coming out too sticky

I've made a few batches of hard crack candy, but so far every batch i've made has come out stickier than I'd like. by too sticky, i mean that the candies will s

How to make sparkling powder for candy?

When I was young, someone taught me how to make this powder you find on candy. It's acidic and seems to "sparkle" in the mouth, but I don't know the name and s

How can I make vegetarian marshmallows?

My girlfriend is vegetarian and we have been trying to make marshmallows at home but so far after over four tries with agar agar we have yet to be very successf

Does Splenda caramelize?

Do any of you know if splenda caramelizes and melts like regular sugar? My parents are doing a low-carb, low-sugar diet and I'd love to surprise them with some

What effects will xylitol have as a sugar substitute?

What effects does xylitol have when used in place of sugar? Will replacing sugar with xylitol lower the calories in my candy? Does it have a laxative effect

Turkish Delight is too wet

I've made a few batches of Turkish Delight in different flavours. The Rosewater, Vanilla and Ginger flavours have set beautifully but the Orange and Mint flavou

What is the purpose of vinegar in this lollipop recipe?

I found a recipe for lollipops. It uses 2:2:1 ratio of sugar:water:vinegar. What exactly is the role of vinegar in it? The recipe was: 10 spoons of granulated/

Why does my fudge always set up like a rock?

I've followed the recipe for an opera fudge (and several others) as close as I can, yet my fudge always turns out grainy and crumbly. The best results I've gott

Pot selection for fudge

Is there a particular kind/size of pot recommended for making fudge?

What does adding butter to toffee do?

Some recipes for toffee call for butter, some don't. I'd like to know please what adding butter does, and if I do add butter, will I still be able to make the s

Can anyone identify this Chinese candy?

We just grabbed our customary mint on our way out of the Asian Bistro by our house but when we opened it, it wasn't a mint and the wrapper was almost all in Chi

What does pulling on syrup (in the semi-solid state) do to the texture/taste?

I have seen this done at candy shops before, where the syrup is pulled/stretched 10s of times before they are allowed to cool off. What chemically does this do

What can I add to boiled lollies to stop them from melting in humid weather?

I've made a gingerbread house this year and popped in stained glass windows. The windows are made of crushed up boiled lollies. I baked the gingerbread, then

Boiled sugar disaster?

I attempted to make some hard sugar to use as windows for gingerbread houses. I thought I could do it without a candy thermometer as I have before, but obviousl

Substituting glucose syrup for glucose

I've noticed that many pate de fruit recipies call for a small amount of glucose in addition to sugar. My local store didn't have any glucose, but I have glucos

Why did my Turkish Delight come out flavorless?

Yesterday I made Turkish Delight, and today I cut it into squares and tasted it. This was the recipe: 330 ml liquid (apple juice, from freshly cold-pressed app

What can I do with a large amount of glacé cherries? [closed]

I accidentally bought 1 kg of glacé cherries instead of the dried cherries which I meant to buy. Aside from fruitcake, which I hate, i

How to create a gummy candy cake?

I want to give my gf a present for Valentine's day that consists on a board with glued gummy candy, marshmallows... all that lovely sweet stuff. When put all to