Category "camping"

Dehydrating eggs

I have seen a few examples of dehydrating scrambled eggs, and reconstituting them later. It got me wondering if there is a way to dehydrate raw eggs in a way th

Olive oil "shelf" life and summer camping

I am about to car camp one week and I am wondering if I may safely carry some olive oil in a glass bottle - I expect day temperature to peak around 30 degrees C

More efficient way to cook fresh caught fish while camping

I am camping over the weekend in Idaho. Plan on catching primarily trout. Will keep the fish fresh and alive until dinner time. A camp fire will be maintained t

Canned corned beef dinner, for hiking [closed]

Am wondering how to make palatable dinner with canned (European) corned beef (aka bully beef, not the same as American corned beef). This is

Is it possible to (safely) make dry instant rice?

For lightweight camping food it would be nice to have rice that cooks quickly without using much stove fuel. Dried instant rice is available (example) but has

How to barbecue an egg?

I recently discovered that eggs are outstanding in front country hiking: inexpensive nutritious richer flavour than boiled cooks in 10 minutes just add salt. T

Baked Potatoes Cooked Over a Fire

This weekend, my wife and went camping. I tried to impress her with a surprise meal (much more than the usual smokies or hotdogs roasted on a stick). I went for

How (much) can I minimise the cooking time of red split lentils?

As I can't go camping or bike touring at the moment, I'm taking the chance to experiment with some home-made dehydrated meals - doing everything at home but as

How can one cook corn on an open grill? [duplicate]

I’ll be camping with limited access to water. I have a grill in the outside kitchen, however this grill doesn’t have a cover. Is i