Category "boiling"

Does salt prevent water from absorbing nutrients and falvours from food?

A long time ago, I read somewhere, that there is a very specific reason, why we put salt in the water for cooking pasta: The point is to hinder the water from a

Canning with candles

I am not sure about the right terminology as I am not a native speaker, but is it possible to conserve solid food in a jar with a candle? Boiling is used to de

Boiling meatballs, how long?

I would like to make some meatballs to go with a generic pasta dish. I am thinking about 10 balls from a pound of raw ground pork or beef. I have been searching

Is it practical to boil drinking water in a pressure cooker?

At my home and relative's homes I've never seen anyone using a pressure cooker to boil water (to make it safe for drinking). They just take an ordinary steel ve

Could I boil rose milk?

I forgot to boil the milk before I added rose milk essence in it. Could I boil now? I have been keeping the mix in the refrigerator for 5 hours now. I am not su

Cooking pasta in a water boiler

A friend of mine cooks pasta in a modified electric water boiler which has been modified to keep going even after the water placed in it boils. What are some a

Lightly salted water?

I often see a recipe that require something to be boiled in "lightly salted water" e.g. Semmelknödel, but I'm always in doubt on how much salt that actuall

How to prevent cooked noodles & dumplings from getting soggy

I enjoy making spaetzel and gnocchi and have become quite good at it, but I always run into the same problem. After boiling the dumplings, I put the cooked dum

What makes rice wet?

Recently I've been making rice, but my rice is always a bit moister than I'd like. Normally it is visibly wet and somewhat sticky. My normal recipe is: Add a

Calories in alcohol-based sauce brought to boil (bourbon chicken)

In the same spirit as this question, I came across a keto recipe for bourbon chicken. I don't usually trust the calorie-count of recipes like this from the blog

Does hard-boiling eggs in broth impact flavor? [duplicate]

I think the question says it all. I was looking at Marinated Soft Boiled Egg recipes for ramen and while trying them out I found it annoying t

Georgian dumplings (khinkali) sticking to the bottom of the pot

Khinkali are boiled meat dumplings from the Georgian cuisine. They're formed putting about a spoonful of ground pork+beef meat with water and spices in the cent

Avoiding foodborne botulism

It's difficult to find information on the internet about botulism prevention that doesn't talk specifically about canning or jarring your own foods or using pre

Can boiling a soup too low result in less flavor?

I recently tried a new recipe which involved cooking vegetables at a lower temperature than I normally see. I had problems with the instructions from the start.

How to properly boil egg white?

I am trying to boil egg white. It's around 500gr. How to boil it properly? In previous attempt, I boil it using a stainless steel container with no lid and pu

Cooking time for vegetables in plain water versus in a soup

I have consistently observed that a given vegetable simmering in a soup (that is, with multiple other vegetables and herbs, and usually salted) takes five to te

Rescuing contaminated home made jam - possible?

I had a bash as making some home-made 'apple & blackcurrant' jam today and had reached the stage of testing to see if it had reached 'setting point'. I aske

How to make spaghetti stick together?

I am a person that likes spaghetti that is stuck together, al dente, so it's nice and chewy. I haven't been able to find any advice on how to cook spaghetti so

Cooking octopus: simple boil or broth?

I have heard about "polvo à feira" (Pulpo a la Gallega/Spannish style octopus) and I went on a search for recipes. In one of my findings (https://youtu.

How do I prevent an egg cracking while hard boiling it?

Sometimes when I cook hard boiled eggs they will crack in the saucepan, and some of the egg will seep out into the water. Am I boiling the water too vigorously