Intense mushrooms carbonation while fermenting

Intense mushrooms carbonation while fermenting - Close Up Photo of Mushrooms

First attempt on fermenting mushrooms. Pretty low experience level in fermenting overall. So, what I did

  1. boiled them for a 1.5-2 hours
  2. mix broth and salt so it became 2.5% brine
  3. fill jar and put in dark quiet place.

For 2 days there was 0 activity. And then it happens. Carbonation is crazy intense, pretty similar to just opening beer right after initial release. And it keep going like that for over 24 hours already.

I'm not sure if that's okay or not and what should I do with that, if any.

Mushrooms used - regular white champignons.

mushrooms weird carbonation

Pictures about "Intense mushrooms carbonation while fermenting"

Intense mushrooms carbonation while fermenting - Brown Mushrooms on Green Moss
Intense mushrooms carbonation while fermenting - Close-Up Photo of Mushrooms
Intense mushrooms carbonation while fermenting - Close-Up Photo of Fungi

The Complete Beginner's Guide to Fermenting Foods at Home

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Jimmy Liao, BREAKS OUT, Visually Us, Visually Us