Category "soup"

What is the correct consistency of a cream soup?

Some cookbooks give advice, but it is conflicting. Some say "it should coat the back of a spoon", which I find terribly confusing - my best try to imagine the r

Why are some kind of packets-soups boiled up in lukewarm water, while normally just stirred into already boiling water?

Inscription on packets-soups from supermarket states: Stir the soup-meal into lukewarm water, boil it up, and wait 5-10 minutes. Ready to eat. Normally th

Why is the Chicken too hard in the outside but soggy in the inside?

I have a problem when I cook a chicken. Usually, I will divide the chicken into smaller parts. However, when I cook the chicken by placing in a soup, I often ge

Cooking Chicken meat with bones in soup is better than cooking Chicken bones in soup? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:How do I optimize my chicken stock for the best flavor at the lowest cost? Which soup will be better? The soup wit

Will roasted corn work as soup croutons?

How can I can use roasted corn to make a soup more interesting? I was thinking about boiling and then some kind of a heat-blast, but I am not sure how to achiev

How do I use a Chinese spoon?

In Asian restaurants the soup comes with a flat-bottomed spoon. It seems awkward to use this spoon as one would a "western" spoon. Is there a special techniq

How to roast mixed vegetables together?

For a soup, I want to roast carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, peas, onions etc., so what would be the procedure? If I put them together in a vessel and close the li

What is the Purpose of Using Onions in (Almost) Every Soup Recipe?

Almost every soup recipe seems to call for sauteed onions. For instance, I'm looking up recipes for squash soup, and every single one calls for onions -- but ev

If you brine a chicken and then boil it in soup, how much salt, if any, will come out and go into the liquid?

Suppose you brine a chicken in a heavy solution e.g. 10% saline. Suppose you now boil this chicken in water which does not contain salt or contains a little sa

How can I use my crock pot for a stove top soup?

Some soup recipes want the soup to cook on the stove for a few hours. Most of the time it is not a problem for me to do that if I am home. However, sometimes I

Made a ginger carrot soup with coconut milk but accidentally made it too salty, how do i fix it?

I made a ginger carrot soup with coconut milk but accidentally made it too salty, how do i fix it? From some google searches - one said to put raw potatoes to

Carrot soup and avoiding the use of a blender?

Most recipes for carrot soup I encounter require a final stage of blending/whizzing to get the creamy texture. Eg: recipe1 recipe2 recipe3 Can the blender/w

Can I use flour to make a carrot soup more thick?

I made a carrot soup without the use of a blender as described in previous question link. Which was to chop the carrots and onions really small. The problem is

Selecting [corn] for Pozole?

I have between 7pm tonight and 5pm tomorrow to make a pozole. Specifically, it will be a red pozole styled chili, using a rubbed and smoked seitan 'meat' to sub

Adding pasta to soup

Is there any way to add pasta to soup without the pasta doubling in size and getting mushy in the fridge later.I've even tried putting uncooked pasta in with th

What are common techniques for adding eggs to soup? [closed]

I have seen different techniques for adding eggs to soups. They seem to be a polarizing topic - I have known people to find the sight of "ragg

What's the difference between gazpacho and normal soups?

Gazpacho is (afaik) a tomato-based soup, eaten very cold. I was wondering if there is a difference between gazpacho and other soups, apart from the temperature

Difference between soup and stew

What are the technical differences between a soup and a stew. Specifically, I've always had some confusion on the differentation of stew and soup. For the most

What are the optimal simmering times for each stage of a traditional phở?

Several of my associates and I consider ourselves phở connoisseurs, of a sort, and one thing we've noticed is the drastic variation in the quality of the

Never ending soup; is it actually safe?

In the poor student or youth worker days it was popular to have never ending soup; a large pot on the stove that was topped up with new and leftover ingredients