Category "sharpening"

Can I use the same kind of tools to sharpen my knives as I do my chisels?

I'm not sure if this would be better suited for here or the woodworking stack, so please migrate if needed. In order to sharpen my woodworking tools (chisels

How do I identify a bad sharpener?

I have a cheap plastic board with an in-built pull-through sharpener, metal and ceramic. I have have trouble believing that this can be any decent, but I have t

What beginner friendly tools can be used to sharpen a dull knife to a razor edge and polished result with no prior knowledge?

Okay. I really tried to avoid going too broad in this question and before of all I did some research on my own in this community and here's what I found. This

How to sharpen knife with chunk missing?

Is it better to grind off the whole blade or should I find someone to add metal and then sharpen it again?

Should sharpening nicked knives with whetstones leave the nicks in the blade?

This question is somewhat similar to How to sharpen knife with chunk missing?, but the knives I have are not ruined like the one in that question, and I doubt t

Should a cook be concerned about the type of symmetrical edge-grind from the manufacturer on a chef's knife?

Asymmetrical edges are out of scope of my question because I feel like they're too different from symmetrical edges as it relates to the question. If the stock

Who would I take my knives to, to be conditioned?

I would like my knives all to be sharpened by a professional. Some knives I cannot sharpen because they have an intricate serrated edge that I would ruin if I

How do I determine if my knife must be honed and/or sharpened? [duplicate]

My grandparents never altered their WÜSTHOF 4596-7/20 Classic Ikon 8-Inch Cook's Knife since buying it on Aug 1 2018. It could effortless

Why does Wusthof call Honing Steel 'Sharpening steel'?

I know that honing differs from sharpening. See this also. My grandparents must buy a Honing Steel for their WÜSTHOF 4596-7/20 Classic Ikon 8-Inch Cook's K

Ought I still buy a honing rod, if I'm buying multiple whetstones of different grits?

I know that honing differs from sharpening. My grandparents never altered their WÜSTHOF 4596-7/20 Classic Ikon 8-Inch Cook's Knife since buying it on Aug 1

How many whetstones, and what different grits, do I need?

My grandparents never altered their WÜSTHOF 4596-7/20 Classic Ikon 8-Inch Cook's Knife since buying it on Aug 1 2018. It could effortlessly slash coconut a

Sharpening a knife

Lets say I sharpend my knife starting with Grit 400, then 1000 up to 3000 and 6000 but its still is too dull. If i want to sharpen the blade again do I restart

Leather strop or honing steel, for WÜSTHOF 4596-7/20 Classic Ikon 8" Cook's Knife?

I know that honing differs from sharpening. My grandparents never altered their WÜSTHOF 4596-7/20 Classic Ikon 8-Inch Cook's Knife since buying it on Aug 1

How to know if I am stopping sharpening too early?

I'm having trouble sharpening my knives, and I'm wondering if it's just that I haven't put in enough time. I've tried spending ~5 minutes per knife at one strok

Am I unwittingly damaging my knives with amateur sharpening?

I had a bread knife that took a trip through the dishwasher and was frustratingly dull. I bought a cheap sharpening rod to attempt to salvage it (this one spec

How long to sharpen Japanese knife with whetstone

I'm a fairly experienced home cook and I'm looking to upgrade to a good quality chef's knife. I'm thinking about getting a Japanese knife (e.g. a Shun Classic)

How to maintain my knife? What am I missing, and what am I doing wrong?

I've been cooking for a long time now, and I've been the proud owner of entry level chef knives for the better part of a decade now. Last month I've ordered a

Whetstone with an angle guide

I was thinking recently to maybe buy a whetstone so I can sharpen my knives at home. I read all the threads here, on reddit, elsewhere. I understand that: It

Why isn't the Shapton Glass Stone 1000 Grit 5mm sharpening my WÜSTHOF 4596-7/20 Classic Ikon 8-Inch Cook's Knife?

My grandpa bought the Shapton Glass Stone 1000 Grit 5mm to sharpen his WÜSTHOF 4596-7/20 Classic Ikon 8-Inch Cook's Knife. He educated himself a whit by w

How can I deduce at what angle my knife should be sharpened against glass stone?

First is to pay attention to the angle. Unless the knife is badly worn and needs some serious grinding, you should use a slightly steeper angle than the origin