Category "restaurant"

Is there a specific name for the mise en place containers used in professional kitchens?

I've recently been watching the PBS show "The Mind of a Chef" and noticed the plastic containers the chefs use to store ingredients as part of their mise en pla

When does baking/cooking in bulk have an advantage?

I often wonder (in the cases of spanish rice, soup, & bread) if my local restaurants have an advantage over what I can do at home because they're working at

What does it mean for a menu to be a "set menu"?

I hope this question isn't too off topic. What does it mean for a restaurant to have a "set menu"? The one I have in mine has three headings wit the description

Why do flames shoot up from restaurant pans?

If you watch video of a restaurant kitchen you always see, sooner or later, a spout of flame from one of the pans on the stove. That doesn't happen when I cook

Why is my pizza coming out "soggy"?

I am an owner of a small pizzeria. Im noticing my pizzas are coming out "soggy".. The crust and bottom of the pizza is cooking good, nice golden brown. But ther

Can you become a chef without cooking school? [closed]

Is there some other path to becoming a professional chef? If I wanted to teach myself, what would that kind of "program" look like?

How do I convey an order for over medium eggs without runny yolks?

I'm not a chef; I'm a (new) waitress and a few days ago a customer ordered her eggs over medium, but she didn't want the yolks runny. She was very insistent on

What do sushi bars do with left overs at the end of the day?

Just walked past a sushi bar in Bangkok, 20 minutes before closing, no customers but still lots of plates going around on the conveyor belt... so that got me wo

Why would a commercial kitchen buy enormous carrots?

I was recently on a Caribbean cruise ship, and took the behind-the-scenes tour (it was fun seeing an immersion blender the size of an outboard motor!). While we

Help me find a chinese recipe from "Green Tea" restaurant in Beijing [closed]

Some years ago I went to Beijing for a business trip. My chinese hosts took me out for dinner to a restaurant called Green Tea (it was exactly

How do I make restaurant quality pizza? [closed]

I've been making my own pizza dough for years but almost always the results are stodgy and thick dough. Ideally I'd like to make thin, crispy

Safety of (re)cooking potentially raw beef from delivery

We ordered-in Pho last night, and I got mine with "medium-rare beef". When it arrived however, the meat looked raw (unfortunately I didn't think to take a pict

Do food courts with multiple restaurants share food? e.g. is there a common shipping and storage area?

I've never walked behind the food court in the mall. But just wondering if, behind the restaurants fascia, the individual restaurants are receiving incoming foo

What causes scrambled egg patties to turn greyish green on the inside?

I ordered an egg and cheese bagel from a restaurant. The egg patty was unusually thick, uniformly bright yellow on the outside, and grey on the inside (although

What are strategies to identify restaurants where you will learn as much as possible?

How do I identify restaurants that offer excellent training/education? I considered looking at the number of chefs that learned at a certain restaurant and afte

Category name for restaurants NOT dressing food?

Is it there a specific category name or whatever, defining restaurants that serve food without dressing, or any kind of food art or dish decoration, despite sti

Efficient way to make good mashed potatoes at a restaurant with questionable gear?

I am newly working as a prep cook at a restaurant, and one of my tasks is to make mashed potatoes. Right now we don't sell that much (rice is WAY more popular),

How do pastry shops get away with displaying cream filled pastries without a display fridge? [closed]

I see many French and Italian pastry shops displaying and serving pastries that are filled with creams and custards, but these were not stored

Why do North American Chinese restaurants advertise "We use 100% Vegetable oil"?

I was reading my local Chinese take-out's menu that somehow ended up stuck to my fridge door and I noticed under their logo a marketing bullet-point advertising