Category "pectin"

Are the citrus seeds necessary when making marmalade?

Are the seeds necessary when making marmalade to extract pectin? If so, should the seeds be whole or ground up? Is the best way to keep them separate with a che

Can I add more pectin at the end of the marmalade cooking process?

We've had a few attempts at making orange marmalade using Seville oranges that are in season right now. The problem we've had is in reaching the setting stage.

Pectin vs Agar Agar vs Gelatin for Pate de Fruits

I was reading up on the difference between Pectin, Agar Agar and Gelatin. From what I read for use in cooking as thickening or gellatinizing agents there isn't

Why are grape preserves so hard to find in the USA?

When I was much younger my grandmother was always complaining that she could never find grape preserves anymore. That was maybe 20-30 years ago. I recently sta

How does preserved lemons salt soultion form a gel?

About 4-5 years ago I attempted to preserve some lemons in salt as per lots of recipes for Morrocan preserved lemons for tagine etc. I didn't ever get around to

Struggling to make gummies / gum drops with pectin NH

Okay, so I'm pretty new to making gummies and my goal is to make vegan ones with pectin. BUT I haven't been able to get anything remotely resembling gummy bears

Is it necessary and possible to deactivate an added pectinase before making jam

I've experimented with pectic enzyme in the past to extract clarified cherry juice for cherry cider. I would blend the cherries, add my pectinase and then sipho