Category "ginger"

My ginger is moist and floppy... has it spoiled?

I have a piece of raw ginger root which I bought a couple of weeks ago and stored in the produce drawer of my fridge. I always store my ginger root this way, an

How long does ginger root last?

I bought ginger root months ago, and I didn't use all of it. I've kept it in the fridge and it still seems good. How long will it last?

Ginger precipitation

I make a ginger in alcohol product and am having a problem that I though you could help with. I juice fresh ginger root through a standard juicer, discarding th

How to store/what to do with leftovers from Ayurvedic ginger & turmeric cold/flu drink?

I've made an Ayurvedic drink for a cold/flu (though I adapted it to my tastes) - minced ginger and turmeric brought to a boil over medium high heat then simmere

Chinese cooking troubleshooting: still biting into pieces of ginger

I'm trying my hand at Chinese cooking. I doctored a mung bean soup that otherwise turned out okay. I took the spices, veg, added them to stock, waited till boi

What causes changing blue and purple pigments in food?

I've noticed that many foods, such as cabbage, garlic, and ginger, either turn blue or purple in certain conditions, or that, like purple string beans, they los

What ginger compound is responsible for the 'kick'?

Mint's minty kick mostly comes from menthol and pepper from capsaicin. What is the equivalent dominant compound in ginger that gives it the characteristic kic

Does ginger infused honey or vodka ever go bad food-safety-wise?

I have sliced ginger stored in a jar of honey, and another jar of a small ginger knob in vodka. Both were stored in the refrigerator. Both are about 2 to 3 year

Ginger vs Ginger Root

Does anyone know if ginger root is the same as ginger? I have a recipe with dried ginger but can only find dried ginger root. Hopefully someone knows the answer

How to use and store galangal?

I keep a whole hand of ginger in the freezer, not even wrapped. I microplane it into whatever I'm making and it works great. Is it OK to treat galangal the same

Can I thaw whole Ginger root to use later?

Can I thaw a whole piece of ginger root to be used later to make candy? If so, how long can I keep the thawed piece? I froze a healthy root in an airtight conta

How can I tell if homemade ginger syrup has gone bad?

I made some Ginger syrup using the liquid I boiled the root in for candy. It's just water and sugar. I put it in a plastic liter bottle (from soda water) in the

What non-alcoholic liquid can I use to store Ginger, both cooked and raw?

I've read that storing Ginger in wine vinegar or vodka preserves it. Is there something non-alcoholic that will do the same thing?

Ginger starting to sprout - can I still use it?

I have two beautiful ginger roots (rhizomes) which I had planned to turn into gari (pickled ginger). But I also have two children and the ever-changing schedule

Ginger allergy need substitute

My family loves Asian food. Unfortunately two of us have an Anaphylaxis allergy to ginger and one to soy. I've found some great info here on soy substitutes but

How do I avoid splatter when frying ginger garlic paste?

I see in all cookery shows that they use ginger garlic paste with ease. When I bought a sachet of the same and put it in oil, it spluttered so much that all of

Why did my ginger garlic paste have a bitter aftertaste?

I cooked a base for indian sauce based on lots of onion, homemade ginger garlic paste, some veggies (I used carrot, a little napa cabbage, bell peppers) and spi

Are there any differences in large or small pieces of root ginger?

I find the bigger ones easier to peel, but I've heard that, for example, in potatoes all the vitamins are just below the skin, so I wonder if by a similar effec

how to make crystallized ginger powder

I make chocolate bonbons and in my new recipe I am trying to make a ginger ganache topped with dark chocolate. (This is the easy part). The hard part is when y

How to successfully make candied ginger?

I tried to make candied ginger from fresh roots, but the result didn't turn out like I was expecting. The recipe I followed had me simmer the slices of ginger