Category "food-science"

Can you alter nutritional properties of beans and other ingredients using diastatic malt?

I was reading about brewers' spent grain the other day and its nutritional profile (high protein and fiber content, no carbs) and how it's obtained. Would somet

Oat starch to sugar conversion in oat milk

I noticed recently that some commercial oat milks do not have added sweetener but rather say that their sugar content comes from oat starch which was converted

How to achieve in my homed-made mayo the same strong 'egg flavor' as in store-bought mayo?

I have been experimenting with home-made mayonnaise recently. My favourite mayonnaise brands like Hellmann's and Hienz have three distinct taste 'points' that I

How to 'stretch' tomato ketchup?

Currently, my home ketchup recipe involves using around 2.2 pounds of canned tomatoes to make 3.4oz/100ml of ketchup. A full can of tomatoes costs me around U

Drawback of Kullenschliff (Granton) knives

For many knifes are available with or without Kullenschliff while the price differs just a few $ (or few EUR). The positive effect is that soft and sticky food

Stock Based Pizza Dough

Does anyone know what effect, if any, substituting chicken stock for water might have on a pizza dough? I plan on mixing the dough with a stand mixer and then k

How to get sour cream & onion potato chips flavor?

I've noticed that when eating common 'sour cream & onions' potato chips, there is a distinctive, cheesy-like flavour that distinguishes the chips. What gi

Is it possible to purchase Disodium Ribonucleotides (E635) in consumer/small quantities?

My research has indicated that it is only possible to order in bulk through contacting large suppliers. Has anyone had any luck purchasing E635 or disodium inos

Can refractometers measure a banana's glucose content?

I heard that to measure a banana's ripeness I would have to compare its sugar to starch ratio, but what would be the best method of doing that? I am not sure if

Xanthan gum 'seeds' in sauce

Update: I managed to properly incorporate the gum without any clumping. I used an immersion blendsr (blade attachment) and mixed it with sugar this time, and it

How to get the texture of commercial ketchup?

This has some relation to my previous question. Though I have managed to successfully blend xanthan gum with my home-made tomato mixture, I am unable to achieve

Low-calorie French Fries

Update thanks to Max's answer I decided to give baked fries a try. Experimenting with different methods, this is my recipe so far. There are still a few proble

curdled 1/2 & 1/2 in Keurig-type coffee

When I buy coffee (either decaf or regular) at the convenience store and add 1/2 & 1/2, it lasts for several days and several re-heatings without curdling.

Controlling variables in homemade yogurt

Making yogurt at home is a fairly straight-forward process. Heat milk to 180F (82C), cool that milk to at least 110F (43C), add live cultures, usually in the f

The Perfect Smoothie - Liquid Milk versus Powdered Milk

I recently attempted to make myself a Strawberry Milkshake Smoothie (as what is defined here, that is, no ice cream used) and failed miserably. This made me won

What is the role of butter in mash gravy? [closed]

I am making a gravy for mashed potatoes. Looking at recipes online, I have found that a few of them don't require any butter, while others use

Does PME activation differ between potato varieties?

Potatoes contain the enzyme pectin-methyl esterase (PME). Par-boiling potatoes at a temperature range between 130F to 140F, activates this enzyme, gelatinising

Simple recipe that when combined in a different order yields different food?

I'm trying to organize a science demo, and one of the lessons I'd like to get across is that information and order matters when ingredients are combined! Mixing

How was Chinese Master Stock stored in olden days before refrigeration

I've heard that some Chinese Master stocks are 100 years old. If so, how did they store their master stock before the refrigerator was invented?

Why put flour in Oven Bag?

This question is about the plastic "Oven Bags" used to roast various kinds of meat or poultry in. I have some of these made by Reynolds Co., and in the Cooking