Category "cooking-time"

How do I ensure my cooked meat turns out moist?

I don't cook meat very often, however when I do it often turns out "dry" rather than moist and juicy. How do I ensure my cooked meat turns out moist? thermome

how long to cook a turkey per pound

I'm cooking a turkey for thanksgiving for the first time. I've got a beautiful 11 lb turkey and according to the websites I found, I should cook it for about th

How can I tell if the food inside a pressure cooker is done cooking?

I've been looking into getting a pressure cooker since it works on the premise of increasing the boiling temp of water thereby cooking things more quickly. Oper

Cook Time vs. Cook Temp trade off

So I've always thought of cooking this way: Higher Temp & Less Cook time = crispier vs. Lower Temp & More Cook time = softer Now obviously this does

What are the advantages of using a stove instead of an oven?

Are there any advantages to using a stove instead of oven? As a woman of science, this is a question that has been lingering in my noggin for a very long time.

How should I prepare dried chickpeas?

I've never used dried chickpeas before, but I'm not wanting for chickpea recipes. The bag of dried chickpeas I got contains no instructions for cooking. I know

How do I adjust the cooking time for two joints as opposed to one?

I have a recipe for roasting sirloin of beef. It calls for a 1.5-2kg piece of meat. I couldn't find a piece this large, so have two half sized joints - one abou

Adjusting the baking time for large cakes?

How long should I bake a 13" (330 mm) sponge cake? Which gas mark should I use?

I'm baking an acorn squash. How long should I bake it for?

I'm baking an acorn squash. How long should it bake for and at what temperature? I also noticed on the spaghetti squash question that those are baked sliced fac

Any time / temperature recommendation for a short braise of a tender piece of meat?

I have a recipe for braised lamb shanks that I'd like to convert to use lamb loin chops instead. The original recipe calls for the shanks to be browned and then

Cheesecake Cooking Time Change with Pan Change?

I've made many cheesecakes before using a 9" spring-form in a water bath, and have always loved the result. For a party coming up, I'd like to make individual-

Should I preheat a pan, or start the cooking timer immediately?

I'm getting ready to heat up a pre-prepared meal (the ones that are kept in the freezer), and the instructions say to place in a pan and cook on high heat for t

What is the best time and temperature for taste when cooking a salmon fillet in the oven?

I have an Atlantic salmon fillet in my frig at the moment, but I really have no idea what the normal cooking temperature and time are for a salmon fillet. What

How long should Lamb leg steaks be cooked for?

Is there a rule of thumb for the weight or cut? I'd prefer to err on the side of well-done, as I want to serve it to my toddler.

What do I need to know when moving from an electric hob to a gas hob

Soon I will be moving into a flat with a gas hob, and I've only ever had experience with electric hobs before. What do I need to be aware of in terms of the di

Time vs. Temperature - What changes what?

Really basic question that's bugging me... Speaking mathematically, 200 degrees of heat for 10 minutes should be the same as 400 degrees of heat for 5 minutes

Doubling a batch of soup

Straying from the printed recipe still makes me a little twitchy, so I ask you, gentle cooks (chefs?): Can I safely double the cooking time? (In this case, it'

Chili cooking time

I've often heard that the key to a great chili is letting the ingredients soak and/or simmer for a really long time. However, all the recipes that I'm finding s

How long to boil crab for?

I bought some Frozen Crab. How long should I boil it for before eating it? (I have some snow crab and King crab legs)

Are commercial foods adjusted for integer cooking times?

Pasta, noodles and such foods are often labeled "cook for n minutes". Are the ingredients for these foods purposefully balanced such that the average optimal co