Category "apples"

Is there enough pectin in Apples to make jam

I have some surplus cooking apples which I will be trying to make jam with. I can't find pectin in my local supermarket, but they do have "jam sugar", which con

Should I peel Boskoop apples for a pie?

We have the question about peeling apples for a pie, and the accepted answer is "depends on the apple". I seldom make desserts involved baked apples, so I am

Kind of apples for apple purée / apple sauce

Recently I made a thick apple sauce by cooking apples with some juice. The cooking process took less time than expect - after about 20 minutes or less the apple

How do I reduce the lemon acidity in apple soup?

I have just made an apple soup that has lemon juice in. The problem being the lemon tartness totally overpowers the soup. How do I neutralise this???

What is the difference between apple juice and cider?

I was at the grocery store and saw glass containers of these. What would be the differences?

Using pectin as a fat replacement

I make pectin stock from apples for use in jams and jellies, and I have lots of it. I would like to try using this stock as a fat substitute in baking, similar

What kinds of apples are suited to be filled with cranberries and baked?

During the holidays, an apple cut in half and filled with cranberries or cranberry sauce is a commonly served item in Belgium. I want to make this too this year

Baked apple that was left out overnight?

I made a baked apple recipe with a crumb stuffing (recipe here), and then accidentally left one of them out in the dish overnight. Is it safe to eat? (Checked s

Other apple varieties for a Granny Smith fan

When I buy apples I tend to buy the Granny Smith variety. I've heard that it's more of a baking variety than one for eating directly, but I like it better than

Coating fruit before adding to a cake

I recently had an apple cake at a restaurant that was delicious. It tasted like a gooey-er version of a spice cake with apples and coconuts. I think I can rec

Ice Cream Sugar Substitutes - Applesauce?

Can I replace the sugar in ice cream with (very smooth) applesauce. I do not enjoy my desserts to be super sweet and I always have tons of homemade applesauce s

Is it safe to store applejuice in an opened glass bottle outside of the fridge?

I've got a few glass bottles of clear applejuice in the cellar (just pure clear store brand applejuice) that I want to take to my computer room so I don't need

Why didn't my apples caramelise?

Today I tried to make a Tarte Tatin, with mixed results. Everything tasted great, expect that my apples didn't really caramelise. Note: This recipe is more like

How to make use of old apples?

I have many apples, but the insides are already brown. The outside is slightly soft, perhaps bruised. The inside appearance is the same as if you cut an apple a

Freezing an apple pie

I took out an unbaked apple pie from the freezer, thawed it out and baked it. I was wondering if I could refreeze it now.

Can/do apples and pears ripen?

It seems to me that apples and pears are pretty much hard for a long time. Does it make sense to speak of some point at which they are ripe and best for eating?

Can I use baking powder to replace cream of tartar [closed]

I need cream of tartar to make a special apple pie,but I have none can you tell me the correct substitute I need a proper answer The pie is ca

What is the additive they put in apple juice to change it from cloudy to clear?

I was told today that my juice was cloudy because they hadn't put the additive in it that makes it clear. My question is: What is the additive they put in app

Using soft apples to make apple juice

My question is a kind of follow-up to this. When apples have turned soft or have started to shrivel, is it possible / advisable to but them through a juicer?

Cryoconcentration, can you do it yourself?

I'm looking to concentrate freshly pressed apple juice. In order keep the apple-freshness I would very much like to avoid heating up the juice. Does anyone ha