Beef Bourguignon Vs Daube Provencal

Beef Bourguignon Vs Daube Provencal - Close-Up Photograph of a Plate with Tacos

How does daube provencal differ from beef bourguignon?

Best Answer

The main differences:

  • Bourguignon is made with a red wine from the Burgundy (Bourgogne) region. Daube is a southern dish, from provence/languedoc, and would typically be made with a richer red (occasionally, and originally, white) wine from that region
  • Bourguignon is almost always garnished with small onions, carrots, mushroom and bacon, nothing else. Daube, being from the south, often has more mediterranean ingredients, such as garlic, tomatoes, larger onions, olives etc. and herbes de provence (vs a standard bouquet garni in a bourguignon)
  • Though bourguignon will use braising cuts of meat, it will typically just be cooked until the meat is tender, then served. Vegetables are often added at the end to keep their appearance and texture. Daube will typically user even cheaper cuts of meat with more sinew and collagen to break down e.g. shin, cheek, blade. It will be cooked for a long time, often with all the vegetables added from the start or half way through, allowing the meat to become very soft and break apart and thicken the braising liquid
  • Daube is traditionally cooked in a Daubiere, though what difference this makes to the end result is minimal

Effectively, bourguignon is perfectly braised meat in a rich onion-bacon-burgundy sauce, with some perfectly cooked mushrooms, carrots and baby onions as garnish.

Daube is a thick and hearty red wine and beef stew with meltingly soft meat and well cooked vegetables with mediterranean influenced flavours.

Pictures about "Beef Bourguignon Vs Daube Provencal"

Beef Bourguignon Vs Daube Provencal - Cooked Food on White Ceramic Plate
Beef Bourguignon Vs Daube Provencal - Cooked Food in White Ceramic Bowl
Beef Bourguignon Vs Daube Provencal - Brown Bull on Green Glass Field Under Grey and Blue Cloudy Sky

Quick Answer about "Beef Bourguignon Vs Daube Provencal"

Daube usually refers to beef cooked in wine with herbs and vegetables, very common in the South of France. What is this? Daube is very different than beef Bourguignon which is also beef cooked in wine. The Bourguignon is cooked for only 2 hours, while the Daube is cooked for 3.

What does Daube of beef mean?

Definition of daube : a stew of braised meat, vegetables, herbs, and spices.

What is the difference between beef bourguignon and beef Burgundy?

Pinot noir \u2013 Beef Bourguignon is also known as Beef Burgundy, and thus the wine called for is a Pinot Noir \u2013 the most famous variety of wine produced in the Burgundy region of France.

What is the difference between beef stroganoff and beef bourguignon?

What is the difference between beef stroganoff and beef bourguignon? Beef Stroganoff is made from bite-sized cutes of beef, sauteed just long enough to brown the outside, then finished with sour cream. Beef bourguignon the beef is braised in red wine.

Slow Cooked Rich Beef Stew known as Daube Provencale

More answers regarding beef Bourguignon Vs Daube Provencal

Answer 2

On a quick glance, one might easily confuse one with the other, but if you take a closer look, there are some subtle and not-so-subtle differences. You may want to consider that the method of “sear meat pieces in pot, cover with liquid (wine, in this case), let simmer until meat is tender” is a quite generic method of cooking certain pieces of meat.

But what about the differences?

  • Both dishes are today often made with beef, but unlike the bœf (=beef) bourguignon, a daube (=traditional cooking/braising pot) would often be made with wild boar, venison, mutton, whatever was available.

  • Both use the local wine, which would obviously give a slightly different flavor.

  • In a bœf bourguignon, the meat is often taken out once it’s done and the sauce reduced or thickened with a beurre manie, then served as cubes of meat in a sauce. The daube remains more liquid, more like a thick a soup. The very long cooking time (started in the morning, then left to simmer until dinner time) makes the meat very tender and ready to fall apart. It is traditionally eaten with a spoon and a slice of bread.
    (Looking at your tags, the tag “soup” is only justified for the daube, not the bœf bourguignon.)

  • The added vegetables differ, a bœf bourguignon often has mushrooms and bacon in addition to the carrot and onion, a daube shows a more Mediterranean flavor, with olives, tomatoes, garlic, other herbs.

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Images: Chitokan, Vinícius Caricatte, Max Ravier, Pixabay