Why do my teriyaki steaks come out hard and dry?

Why do my teriyaki steaks come out hard and dry? - Closeup textured background of tree trunk surface with rough bark and deep cracks

I have tried to make Teriyaki steaks (beef) and they come out dry and hard. They have been marinated with the Teriyaki sauce as instructed by various recipes but in the end the steak has taste but no juicy texture and they are hard to chew. I have tasted in a restaurant a Temaki corn/cone that had sliced Teriyaki beef steak in it which was splendid. I am trying to achieve that. I have tried frying and grilling but both come out hard. Marinating for 2-3hours each time.

What could I be doing wrong?

Best Answer

Any number of things can go wrong.

  1. Is your flesh cut correctly, that is, against the grain? Hint: if you see a string, it's cut with the grain and will affect tenderness.
  2. Has your flesh properly aged? Enzymes in the meat dissolve the tissue, making it naturally tender. 21 Days is recommended.
  3. You marinade too long. 15-30 minutes is recommended here for your cuts.
  4. You cook the meat too long. A thin slice should be fried on high heat for a short time.

  5. Restaurants get better meat. Fact of life.

Edit: Basic sauté method.

  1. Heat the pan. The pan is hot when a drop of water becomes steam instantly.
  2. Add some oil and heat it. It should become very hot very quick. Look for wrinkles on the surface.
  3. Add the meat.
  4. When you see a drop of 'blood' (that's plasma) flip the meat.
  5. Retire the meat.


  1. Add cold liquid to pan (could be the marinade), clean the bottom of the pan.
  2. Lower the heat and make a pan sauce.
  3. Add the meat to the sauce for a minute and serve.

Pictures about "Why do my teriyaki steaks come out hard and dry?"

Why do my teriyaki steaks come out hard and dry? - Strong ethnic boy carrying dry plants
Why do my teriyaki steaks come out hard and dry? - Brown Wooden Surface
Why do my teriyaki steaks come out hard and dry? - Rough concrete texture background with crack

Quick Answer about "Why do my teriyaki steaks come out hard and dry?"

You marinade too long. 15-30 minutes is recommended here for your cuts. You cook the meat too long. A thin slice should be fried on high heat for a short time.

Why are my steaks tough?

Additionally, overcooking meat, even meat that comes from the more tender muscles, can make it tough. That's because heat causes the proteins in the meat to firm up. Overcooking also basically squeezes the moisture out of the meat, making it dry as well as tough.

How do you keep steak from drying out?

8 Simple Ways to Make Tough Meat Tender
  • Physically tenderize the meat. ...
  • Use a marinade. ...
  • Don't forget the salt. ...
  • Let it come up to room temperature. ...
  • Cook it low-and-slow. ...
  • Hit the right internal temperature. ...
  • Rest your meat. ...
  • Slice against the grain.

  • Easy Tips For Grilling Steak - How To Grill Steak At Home

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Monstera, Ahmed akacha, FWStudio, Anna Tarazevich