What skillet pan to use for making spring rolls wrappers?

What skillet pan to use for making spring rolls wrappers? - A Baked Casserole on Cast Iron Skillet

I'm trying to make spring rolls wrappers. My dough looks fine, but it doesn't stick to the skillet.

What skillet is the best? I'm trying with non-stick ones (teflon and seasoned cast iron) but I guess that the opposite is what I need. Must I use an old 'sticky' one?

I'm following the recipe below, and my dough looks like the video shows.

Best Answer

I watched the video and after also researching some instructions in Chinese, I have decided that your problem might be more than just pan-related. However, please note, I have discovered that for things that are uncommon, or not commonly made at home (things that are usually store bought or ordered in restaurants), multiple Chinese websites have the exact same word-for-word recipes, so I actually only found 2 uniquely worded recipes.

Difference between your video recipe and other recipes:
The batter flour to water ratio is the same in the video and recipes in Chinese elsewhere. But, the video said to leave the batter for 20-30 minutes but all the other recipes said to leave it for 2 to 3 hours.

One recipe said use a flat bottomed non stick pan, the other said to use a flat bottomed pan, but did not specifically say to use a non-stick one. The key is to allow even heat.

The recipes I found said to heat the pan until it is warm, then immediately turn it to low, then put the batter in. Also, you should not be using oil.

The sources did say that the hardest part is getting the pan heat right, so you will have to experiment a little with this.

Pictures about "What skillet pan to use for making spring rolls wrappers?"

What skillet pan to use for making spring rolls wrappers? - Person Cooking on Black Pan
What skillet pan to use for making spring rolls wrappers? - Man in White Dress Shirt Standing Near Black Crt Tv
What skillet pan to use for making spring rolls wrappers? - Person Holding Stainless Steel Casserole

Why is my spring roll wrapper sticking to the pan?

The wrapper might have dried out too much and stuck to your work surface. Try placing a damp towel on your work surface, dampening your existing towel a bit more, or wrapping the roll more quickly.

Can you fry spring rolls in a frying pan?

HEAT 2 tablespoons of the oil in a large frying pan over a medium heat. PLACE half the rolls in the pan and cook for 2 minutes on all four sides (8 minutes total) until the rolls are crispy and golden. REMOVE from the pan and set aside on paper towel. COOK the remaining spring rolls in the same way.

How do you make spring roll wrappers stick?

The best way to seal your spring rolls is using a slurry of cornstarch and water. We have tried egg wash, but it tends to \u201cstain\u201d the spring roll, creating dark spots that become more obvious after frying. A cornstarch mixture is best for getting a clean, even golden brown!

How do you make a spring roll sheet?

How to make spring roll wrappers
  • In a bowl, take 1 cup all purpose flour (maida), 3 tbsp corn starch and \xbc tsp salt.
  • With a wired whisk or a spoon mix the dry ingredients.
  • Add 1.25 cups water.
  • Whisk well to a get smooth and slightly thin consistency of the batter without any lumps.

  • How to make spring Rolls wrappers or sheets (quick and easy way)

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Shameel mukkath, cottonbro, cottonbro, Toa Heftiba Şinca