What can I substitute for radish when making kimchi?

What can I substitute for radish when making kimchi? - Seafood Delicacy on Bowl Near Gray Stainless Steel Fork, Spoon, Chopsticks, Beside Water in Drinking Glass on Table

I want to try the recipe but could not get radish.

Best Answer

Jicama. It has the same kind of crunch and taste is also subtle.

Pictures about "What can I substitute for radish when making kimchi?"

What can I substitute for radish when making kimchi? - Chopsticks on Plate Near Foods on Plates
What can I substitute for radish when making kimchi? - White Paper With Red Text
What can I substitute for radish when making kimchi? - Ceramic Plates with Side Dishes on a Wooden Surface

Quick Answer about "What can I substitute for radish when making kimchi?"

White turnips (best option) The white turnip is our preferred substitute for daikon radish. It makes sense as they're both cruciferous vegetables that are crispy textured and mild in flavor.

What can I use instead of radish in kimchi?

Some good substitutes for the radish in kimchi include cabbage heart, napa cabbage & its alternatives, cucumbers, carrots, and Daikon.

What can I use instead of radish?

  • Red radish. The first daikon radish substitute we're going to talk about is red radish: when you're trying to substitute a vegetable, simply choosing a different variety it's the best choice in most cases. ...
  • Horseradish. ...
  • White turnips. ...
  • Parsnip. ...
  • Jicama. ...
  • Cabbage. ...
  • Beetroot. ...
  • Carrots.

Do I need radish for kimchi?

Traditional kimchi usually includes a type of radish\u2014daikon\u2014among its ingredients. Here we've reversed the proportions of radish to cabbage to showcase the radish crunch and taste. Using red-skinned cherry radishes or French breakfast radishes gives this recipe its cheerful color.

What can I use instead of daikon radish?

Daikon Substitute
  • White turnips. White turnips will likely be your best bet when you can't find daikon, as the root vegetables are similar (but not identical) in appearance, flavor, and texture.
  • Jicama. If you're looking to replicate raw daikon's crunchy texture, try substituting jicama. ...
  • Parsnips.

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Images: SenuScape, SenuScape, Castorly Stock, makafood