Is there any difference between bakers yeast and regular yeast?

Is there any difference between bakers yeast and regular yeast? - Female hands kneading fresh dough on wooden chopping board with flour in kitchen

I'm looking at this bread recipe and it says to use "Bakers Yeast" but when I make pizza dough I just use regular yeast (which I also have in my cupboard at the moment). So I'm wondering if I could just use my regular yeast instead of bakers yeast?

Best Answer

There is certainly a difference between different yeasts. Different kinds of yeast react differently, are "happy" at different temperature ranges, produce different amounts of gas, live for different amounts of time. In my little world, however, it's better to use a yeast that you use commonly and understand than it is to experiment with a different yeast that may not behave the way you expect.

The thing is "baker's yeast" is a generic term. If it called for rapid rise yeast, and all you had was active dry yeast, I'd say to go out and buy some, or your bread would become flat. Chances are, you have one of those two kinds. They both work in most recipes, but each have their peculiarities, and you need to adjust.

I'd give it a shot, and see how it comes out. If your bread ends up "whacky", then try something else.

Pictures about "Is there any difference between bakers yeast and regular yeast?"

Is there any difference between bakers yeast and regular yeast? - Unrecognizable women rolling dough together on board on table with jar with flour carton with eggs and whisks
Is there any difference between bakers yeast and regular yeast? - Round Bread On White Surface
Is there any difference between bakers yeast and regular yeast? - Woman making pizza in kitchen

Is yeast the same as bakers yeast?

Baker's yeast is another name for the type of yeast you use to bake bread and other bakery products. You can find this type of yeast in various forms including fresh, liquid, instant and active dry. When mixed with sugar, baker's yeast releases carbon dioxide that expands the dough and makes it rise.

Can I use bakers yeast instead of active dry yeast?

To substitute instant or bread machine yeast for active dry yeast, use 25% less instant yeast than active dry. A 6-oz cube of cake yeast is roughly equivalent to 1\xbd to 2 teaspoons instant yeast or 2 to 2\xbc teaspoons active dry yeast.

What is the real difference between various types of yeast? Which one is best?

More answers regarding is there any difference between bakers yeast and regular yeast?

Answer 2

According to wikipedia, bakers yeast comes in many different types, one of which is active dried yeast, which I think is 'regular' yeast. So to answer your question, no i don't think there is any difference save for the moisture content, and therefore how you might need to use it.

Answer 3

Probably what you have in your cupboard is Baker's yeast. Baker's yeast is a pretty generic term and could refer to instant yeast or active dry yeast. I'm not sure what your recipe is asking for.

There is a brief explanation of types of yeast here: Beauty and the Yeast

I hope this helps.

Answer 4

per SF baking institute: Active dry can be used at 50% of the weight of fresh yeast and instant dry can be used at 40% of the weight of fresh. Based on the recommendation of the yeast manufacturers, most people are under the impression that 33% is the proper conversion for instant yeast. This is true for an industrial process, but 40% is better in the artisan process, when dough temperatures are generally lower

I have found unless specific, receipes use active dry in the US. Instant requires no proofing but I do it anyway, if it bubbles its still alive

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Katerina Holmes, Katerina Holmes, Mariana Kurnyk, Katerina Holmes