Is it ok to include garlic when I can hot peppers?

Is it ok to include garlic when I can hot peppers? - Top view of composition of colorful chili pepper and assorted tomato slices near fresh cilantro and parsley leaves with rosemary and thyme sprigs with bowl of savory sauce in center

I followed the Ball Blue Book recipe for canning hot vinegared peppers. I left the peppers whole, and forgot to discard the garlic from the vinegar recipe before I filled the quart size jars & gave them the bath. I made them 10 days ago and I just moved them to the refrigerator because I was scared the garlic would ruin them and possible set them up for the spread of botulism. Are they ruined?

Best Answer

You should be fine. I couldn't find your particular recipe, but many canning recipes for peppers (and salsas, pickles & relishes) contain garlic. As long as there is sufficient vinegar, which the name of your recipe suggests, and you processed correctly there shouldn't be a problem. This recipe for Pickled Peppers may be similar to yours and contains garlic in the finished product.

Pictures about "Is it ok to include garlic when I can hot peppers?"

Is it ok to include garlic when I can hot peppers? - A Soup in a Ceramic Bowl
Is it ok to include garlic when I can hot peppers? - Delicious roasted chicken with vegetables in glass form
Is it ok to include garlic when I can hot peppers? - Cooked Food in Bowl

What is the best way to preserve hot peppers?

Boil water and vinegar (white vinegar or cider vinegar works well) using a one-to-one ratio. Flavor the brine with sea salt and sugar to balance the flavor; boil for 2 minutes. Pour over the peppers, cover and keep refrigerated for up to a month.

How Do You can hot peppers and keep them crisp?

Preserving roasted peppers, or preserving chilis, in olive oil is a traditional method to preserve the harvest. Consisting of two ingredients and a little effort, this method is beyond delicious. In addition to preserving in oil, you'll also find recipes for canning peppers.

What is the best oil for canning peppers?

You may can peppers (hot or sweet). You can can them, pickled, or plain. Pickled peppers can be water-bathed or steam-canned. Unpickled plain ones must be pressure canned as per the directions below.

HOT CHILLI PEPPERS 🌶 Preserved in OLIVE OIL Italian recipe - how to do at home @l'uomo di casa

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Images: Kunal Murumkar Patil, FOX, Tim Douglas, Engin Akyurt