How to separate milk kefir grains?

How to separate milk kefir grains? - Cooed Food

How many kefir grains will make a quart size of kefir? I think I have too many grains in one batch. I also am still a novice, been at this five months. I enjoy making it, and have many grains. Some very small, some the size of a pearl. What is the best way of separating the grains?

Best Answer

From this comment on a passionate homemaking article, the commenter suggests that 2 Tbsp per quart of milk is an appropriate amount of kefir grains. In my personal experience, I've found that the amount is fairly variable, and that half to twice that suggested amount will produce kefir relatively quickly (how quickly, of course, changes with the amount present).

As far as separating them goes, they should pull apart relatively easily with the use of a couple of plastic spoons. While it is possible to smash them apart, this won't actually damage their ability to ferment kefir. My recommendation is to keep a 2 Tbsp measuring cup sanitized the next time you change out your milk, and add them to the fresh milk once there are enough to fill up the cup. The remainder can be used on another batch, eaten, or put in a sealed jar in the fridge with a smaller amount of milk to serve as a backup for later. Your worst-case here is that you just throw away the excess, which I would only consider "bad" if you can't find someone to give them to.

Pictures about "How to separate milk kefir grains?"

How to separate milk kefir grains? - Anonymous ethnic female in fabric masks with bamboo sieves separating cereal from husk against green trees in sunlight
How to separate milk kefir grains? - Anonymous ethnic female in face masks with sieves separating cereal from husk under light sky in summer
How to separate milk kefir grains? - Anonymous ethnic women with bamboo trays sifting cereal in sunlight

Quick Answer about "How to separate milk kefir grains?"

  • Use Your (Clean!) Fingers. As your milk kefir grains grow in size, you may choose to remove the kefir grains by hand. ...
  • Use a Plastic Mesh Strainer. Sometimes milk kefir can be a bit thick. ...
  • Pour Kefir Into A Shallow Bowl. This will make the grains easier to see.

  • How do you remove kefir grains from kefir?

    To encourage the thickened milk kefir through the strainer there are two methods that work well: Tap the strainer gently against the side of the vessel to encourages the milk kefir through the bottom of the strainer. Use a rubber spatula or wooden spoon to stir the curds and encourage them through the strainer.

    How do you sieve milk kefir?

    The biggest danger with leaving the kefir grains in the same milk for more than 48 hours is that they may begin to starve, which can damage the kefir grains. Separate the grains and put them into fresh milk right away. As long as the finished, separated, kefir smells and tastes okay, it can be consumed.

    Should I separate milk kefir?

    USING A PLASTIC STRAINER Once the kefir has finished culturing, there are several ways to remove the kefir grains so they can be placed in fresh milk. We recommend a Plastic Fine Mesh Strainer as the best option, especially when working with new grains. Again, when straining grains, metal should be avoided.

    Milk Kefir: Separating Your Curds and Whey After Fermentation

    Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

    Images: Alexander Mils, Quang Nguyen Vinh, Quang Nguyen Vinh, Quang Nguyen Vinh