Hanging at home

Hanging at home - Person Holding White Textile Near Brown Wooden Framed Glass Window

I'm looking into the technique of 'hanging' meat, and whether there are 'home' applications that would be safe and have a beneficial effect.

Now, there are a lot of (possible) synonyms that muddle the waters (for me). There's hanging, dry-aging, faisandage (for game birds), and more. What I'm looking for is the 1-3 day (near) room-temperature storage of meat and the spoiling / enzyme process that will cause a flavor change. Feel free to help me along by clarifying the answer.


  • Is there any (good) use for this technique / process for supermarket / butcher cuts of meat?
  • What should be taken in consideration for safe execution?

Best Answer

I investigated the possibility of dry aging beef at home a while back and decided that in my small apartment, at least, I did not want to risk the possibility of spoilage or contamination. These are the resources I found at the time:

Because I'm not highly confident on controlling my refrigerator temperature in my rental and don't have a lot of space, I didn't end up trying these techniques at home. Some day, perhaps!

Pictures about "Hanging at home"

Hanging at home - Books on Rack
Hanging at home - Two White Rod Pocket Curtains
Hanging at home - Black Steel Welcome Hanging Signage

Does hanging do anything?

Hanging can be used to decompress the spine, alleviating the stress and pressure created during the day. The benefits not only compliment spinal health, but also improve the in the nerves and other tissues of the body.

What is the cause of hanging?

Closure of carotid arteries causing cerebral hypoxia. Closure of the jugular veins. Breaking of the neck (cervical fracture) causing traumatic spinal cord injury or even unintended decapitation. Closure of the airway.

What is typical hanging?

According to position of knot hanging is of two types-Typical hanging and Atypical hanging. In typical hanging the knot of the ligature should be at the nape of the neck and the knot of the ligature at any site other than the nape of the neck is Atypical hanging.

Where does a hanging take place?

A Hanging (1931) is a short essay written by George Orwell, first published in August 1931 in the British literary magazine The Adelphi. Set in Burma, where Orwell (under his real name of Eric Arthur Blair) had served in the British Imperial Police from 1922 to 1927, it describes the execution of a criminal.

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Answer 2

For cuts of meat you bring home from the supermarket, you're probably interested in dry aging. Dry-aging will allow the enzymes that are already in the meat to break it down and tenderize it without letting it spoil.

If you're doing this at home, without any special equipment, you really need to do it in a refrigerator. If you let meat sit out at room temperature for 3 days, you'll just end up with spoiled meat. Meat needs to stay below 40F or so to prevent spoilage.

justkt's answer has several links with more information, but the main principles are the same. The general technique is to cover the meat in a clean towel or some other absorbent material, and make sure it is suspended on some sort of rack over a pan so that air can circulate around the entire piece. Change the covering regularly to keep the meat dry for about 3 days. Enjoy your tasty and tender steak.

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Polina Tankilevitch, Lum3n, Carlos Caamal, Henry & Co.