Category "yogurt"

Why are all sour cream cultures I've found for sale online labeled as direct set? Why can't I reuse like I do yogurt?

I've realized we go through a lot of sour cream in my household, and I want to start making probably about a pint or two a week during the summer months. I've

Malai Chicken Curry is curdling in the Pan

I am trying to prepare a rich, creamy malai chicken curry but it's turning out to be a disaster as the marinade curdles when I put in into the pan. Here are th

What do I substitute for Greek yogurt in a pizza dough?

The two ingredient pizza dough recipe calls for 1 cup of Greek Yogurt and 1-1 1/2 self rising flour. I can't find 'Greek Yogurt' where I live. Can I use 'natura

Soon-to-be cultured milk with fresh fruit safe for consumption?

Recently my cousin started to make yogurt. She told me that she puts diced, fresh fruit (strawberries, peaches) into the inoculated milk (pasteurized or sterili

Why do they put the fruit on the bottom?

Why do they put fruit at the bottom of the yogurt? Why not at the top, or just mixed in?

How does substituting yogurt into a cake change the texture and why can it be used?

I've read about using yogurt in cake recipes to make them healthier. I was wondering how and why does replacing the fat by yogurt work, in particular whether th

"Overly sour yogurt is a sign of inconsistent inoculation" - What is inoculation?

From here: Overly sour yogurt is a sign of inconsistent inoculation From:

What precautions need to be taken while using sour culture for setting yogurt?

The home made yogurt culture I have is sour. Is it possible to get non sour yogurt from sour culture? What precautions need to be taken while using sour cult

Why does yoghurt need to feed on milk products? Why not plain sugar?

My understanding is that yoghurt is is the biproduct of a yoghurt culture, a bacteria, eating lactose and excreting the yoghurt. My question is - why does it

What is the shelf life of cookies made with Greek Yogurt?

After baking cookies with greek yogurt, How long would they be good if stored in the freezer or fridge? Will they still be safe to enjoy? Is this the same with

What's the difference between heirloom and direct-set yogurt cultures?

Yogurt cultures seem to come in two varieties: heirloom and direct-set. The difference between the varieties is that one is a carefully selected mix of bacter

Can you freeze yogurt

Can you freeze yogurt? It was on sale, and I am going to use it to make smoothies.

How to prevent greek yoghurt getting more sour

My mum has always liked making home made yoghurt, but the major problem with it has been the fact that it gets more sour over time. The night after she makes it

Does yogurt maker keeps object at optimal temperature maybe around 40 centigrade, or current temperature of object?

First of all, I'm in Korea, and sorry for my bad English. I'm trying to make yogurt at home, so I've searched out the best yogurt machine on the internet. Som

Does the yogurt set from 500 ml milk result in 500 g yogurt?

I want to prepare 500 g yogurt. I have 500 ml skimmed milk. So, will the resultant yogurt be of 500 g? If not, then how much skimmed milk do I need to get 500

How to make skyr more fluid

I am currently trying skyr, an Icelandic yoghurt/cheese. I am preparing this mostly with fruits, nuts and cereals. I would appreciate if anybody has a suggestio

Do commercial yogurt starters (i.e.: store-bought yogurt) actually degrade over time?

I've seen quite a few sites make the claim that commercial yogurt starters will stop working after a few generations (example), so home yogurt makers should use

best dairy-free yogurt for meat marinade (Biriyani)

I am cooking biriani for a party and one of the guest is dairy-intolerant. In biriani, marinading the meat with yogurt+spices is an essential step, and I dont h

Why yoghurt comes out different every time?

When I make yoghurt at home the result is different every time even though I follow exactly the same procedure: Bring a gallon of milk to 85°C Cool to 43&d

Is it possible to make yoghurt at home with dairy-free milks (soy, coconut, etc)?

I regularly make my own yoghurt from cow's milk by adding live yoghurt and leaving it to incubate for a few hours. Is it possible to make dairy free yoghurt (f