Category "syrup"

How to make a chocolate fudge/syrup sauce that does not freeze?

I'm looking for a good recipe to make a chocolate fudge/syrup style sauce that will not freeze solid when placed in the freezer, but rather retain its "liquid"

Does liquid glucose contain as much fructose as high fructose corn syrup?

Does liquid glucose contain fructose in the same ratio as high fructose corn syrup?

Why does my cocoa syrup overflow?

I work in a coffee shop, and we stock Ghirardelli Sweet Ground Chocolate and Cocoa flavored sauce. However, this sauce is constantly overflowing. We are los

How to prepare a ginger lime drink mixer?

I am trying to prepare a ginger lime (basil) drink mixer. It will be mixed with Whiskey the day of the event. Is it better to prepare a limeade via steeping

For equal volumes water and sugar, what is the ratio of separated volume vs. combined?

I'm making a simple syrup with equal parts sugar and water in a glass measuring cup and want to avoid dirtying two measuring cups. I want to measure one (say

What can substitute Korean malt syrup? [closed]

I cooked this receipe Korean Grilled Chicken which was delicious. I replaced the Korean malt syrup with corn syrup, but I am not sure about t

Brown Blob in natural maple syrup?

I was pouring out my natural maple syrup today and found gelatinous dark brown blob in it. This syrup was stored in the refrigerator in a large plastic bottle.

What is a moist vanilla bean?

I'm trying to make a vanilla syrup for some flavored coffees, and the recipe I have calls for: 2 1/2 cups water 2 cups white sugar 3/4 cup brown sugar

What is the shelf life of my syrup?

This is a continuation of my last question. the recipe I have is: 2 1/2 cups water 2 cups white sugar 3/4 cup brown sugar 1 moist vanilla bean, preferably M

Is my maple syrup still good? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:Should maple syrup be stored in the refrigerator? I have pure maple syrup and it has only been opened for maybe 5

Basic carrier sauce/syrup for different sweet flavors?

I have an application where I would like to have a half dozen different flavors (all sweet) that are in the form of a sauce or slightly viscous liquid. Rather

How can I make a chocolate syrup that can be frozen? [duplicate]

I am looking to make a chocolate syrup without eggs, that freezes well.

Does simple syrup require refrigeration?

I'm curious about plain simple syrup and simple syrup with other ingredients. For instance, cardamon simply syrup. Do other ingredients make a difference?

Lyle's Golden Syrup tin design, why is it like this and how to clean it

Lyle's Golden Syrup has a distinctive lid design, in which the top of the tin has a lip. This inevitably fills with syrup and makes the whole thing stickier t

How can I get the maximum flavor from orange peels?

At first glance this question might look like a duplicate of this one: How can I intensify the orange flavour in orange cake? it isn't. I'm making this cake for

Do I need to freeze this puree and syrup?

Related questions: What causes a cake to sink in the center? and How can I get the maximum flavor from orange peels? I ended up simmering the zest of 6 oranges

Making licorice root syrup or extract

I wanted to make licorice ice cream, but I don't want to use existing licorice candy (which probably contains preservatives, starch, gum etc which I want to add

What is the US equivalent of Golden Syrup (UK)?

Having recently moved from UK to US, when making honeycomb, what should I use as a replacement for Golden Syrup?

Holding sugar syrup at a consistent temperature

Can I hold a corn syrup and sugar and water syrup at 260°F (126°C) for a few hours and still maintain it's soft ball stage. Evaporation of the water wou

How to tell if it is honey, super filtered honey, or corn syrup?

There is this article here in Australia that an importer has labeled corn syrup as honey. It has been imported from Turkey and it has been sold to people. I thi