I've followed one of those countless videos on YouTube about steam-cooking rice on stove, particularly this one: How to Cook Rice Perfectly Every Time | Stoveto
I made two banana nugget with two different method. For those who have never heard one, that basically a thin (3 cm thick in a pan of 5x5 cm) banana cake with a
So long story short, I really like making tofu at home and I have done it a lot of times. I am pretty happy with my end results, but the boiling soy milk part a
After cooking rice or steaming vegetables the inside of the lid used to cover the pot has water droplets on it - is it just water or do elements of the food mak
There are lots of recipes online that suggest mimicking commercial bread ovens by using a water bath and or ice cubes to create a hot, steamy baking environment
I have purchased a Nutri-Q 34360 Healthy Eating Egg Boiler: How does it work? - The eggs are cooked through hot steam. The instructions will guide you on the a
I am considering getting a food steamer but I don't have access to a kitchen. I have a microwave in my room but I think I could use a steamer as well to cook ve
I was making steamed chicken soup in a clay pot, and think I may have steamed/simmered the larger stock pot dry. My arrangement was like so: I had a large stock
Let's say I am water-blanching 100g of green beans. After the blanching process will the resulting weight be less than 100g? I aim to dehydrate the blanched 10
It seems that almost everywhere, I see the advice to keep the top of a double boiler away from the water in the bottom--with the explanation that the top will g