Category "seafood"

If I have large calamari tentacles, can I achieve the same taste and texture as with small ones?

I've tried cooking large calamari tentacles (about 2in at their thickest) with little success. The first time I tried the classic fast-grilling method, but, obv

Is Yellow coloring inside a fish normal?

I recently purchased a Bronzini fish from a local market. From the outside it looks great. But on the inside, a portion of the fish is a mucusy yellow

How to stop sea bass fillets from sticking to foil

I've cooked sea bass before on 220 degrees centigrade for 15 minutes baked in the oven. I get some foil and place it on a baking tray and cover it in a thin lay

How long should I steam squid and cuttlefish?

I have read that the squid and cuttlefish are more tender if they are cooked in less than 3 minutes in a pan. But what about steam cooking, how much time does i

At what point (after clams die) are they ok to eat

I bought clams yesterday they were all closed. I put them in room temperature water overnight (with 3% salt). Not in fridge. Now 50% are open. 50% have their

Will a fishmonger or bait shop clean a fish you caught for a fee?

I love fishing, especially saltwater surfcasting, but up until now it's been mostly "catch and release" - this summer I would like to try fresh-caught striped b

Tips for cooking seared tuna just right?

I'm awfully fond of seared tuna, and I have the recipe down pat. However, I'm rarely 100% satisfied with the results searing part- I typically overshoot on the

How to prepare cockles for cooking?

I collected some cockles from the beach today and would like to try cooking them tomorrow. In the meantime I have soaked the cockles in tap water and I have add

Can I grill a whole octopus without pre-steaming or poaching?

My local awesome fish market sells whole octopi, and my friend is having a BBQ. I figured nothing would be cooler than showing up with a whole octopus to throw

Americans and Shrimp Heads

I personally hate the texture, so I avoid shrimp heads. Given that I've only been to a handful of American restaurants that serve shrimp with the heads or shell

Frozen prawns - blue dye

I'v been given some prawns from parents where they bought in bulk. The prawns leak a blue dye? Does anyone know if this is normal?

How to clean an octopus - and is it worth it

I've bought an octopus from my fish monger, but, when I asked if he could clean it, he openly admitted he's never done octopus before and doesn't know how. Well

How do I keep Clam juice

I have about three gallons of clam juice, after steaming about 400 clams. How can I safely keep, can, or store this much juice for further use?

Should I be suspicious of meat/seafood on sale?

Recently a local grocery store had a sale where Fresh Salmon Fillets, apparently normally $6.99/lb, were dropped down to $1.99/lb. My parents were all too eage

are the larger snails in Hawaii edible?

We live in Hawaii and their are lots of larger (really big) land snails. I don't know if I can eat one but I was wondering if it can be eaten. If it can be ea

Is the white hemolymph that comes out of a lobster (when boiling) edible?

I know most parts of a lobster are edible except for what was afore mentioned in your content. But there is no mention of the hemolymph, the white substance tha

How to fry sepia?

How to make sepia tender and tasty? It seems to me that there is a great disagreement in the literature on how to achieve that. Advice varies from frying it ve

How to prepare tiny salted squid for cooking?

So, I have a bag of tiny salted squid. I love squid, but I've never cooked them and have no idea what to do with this. They're whole, and the bag says that they

Does the location of where an octopus was imported from determine the flavor/quality of the meat?

I recently bought frozen octopus that was caught and imported from Portugal because the local stores were sold out of the octopus from Spain. There was also a p

Frozen sea squirts: any suggests on cleaning/preparing?

I bought a pack of frozen sea squirts from Korean market. They are quite small - 3-4 cm long creatures. I dug all possible recipes about sea squirts, but all of