Category "lemon"

Lemon zest in large volumes

I need a LOT of organic lemon zest. Is there a commercial machine that can zest faster and better than a hand held zester? How do the dried zest companies pro

How much lemons are needed to produce pure 1 kg lemon essential oil?

First of, sorry of the question is not for here, but I can't seemk to find more proper place... My question is, how much lemons are needed to produce 1 kilogram

How would you use a single lemon? [closed]

Related to How would you use a lot of lemons?, but at the opposite scale: I have a recipe that needs 1 Tbsp. lemon zest, so I've zested sever

How to know when to remove lemon squares from oven?

I'm making a lemon bars/squares recipe that I've made a few times before, and I keep having trouble deciding when to take it out of the oven. I don't want to ov

Are limes and lime juice more acidic than lemons and lemon juice?

I attended a business meeting in the Midwest and one of our clients took our management team and a few other business partners to dinner at an awesome Mexican r

Making lemon oil from vodka

I recently made some lemon oil. Here's how I made it (question at the bottom): I took the zest of about 12 lemons, packed it in a half pint jar, filled it to t

How to rescue a Hollandaise with too much lemon

I accidentally doubled the amount of lemon juice in my Hollandaise recipe. The result is much too sour to be usable, but if not for that, the sauce would be oka

Can I make fermented lemon soda using yogurt cultures?

I'm trying to make a lemon soda using fermentation. Is it possible to make a lemon soda by mixing sugar, lemon, warm water and a scoop of live cultured yogurt?

Lemon juice sprayer/container

I often zest up my food with lemon juice and I usually have squeezed juice in the fridge in a jar because I like it pre squeezed, with pulp and seeds removed.

Cooking lemon juice into stew

I have recently discovered a much broader use of lemon juice in my cooking and now add it to almost all stews and soups a few minutes before the end of cooking.

Are bubbling preserved lemons a sign of spoilage?

I recently made preserved lemons using a recipe from Jerusalem: The Cookbook. Having poked around a variety of recipes online, it's pretty much the same as all

Meyer curd without added sugar?

Is there any reason I can't make a Meyer lemon curd without adding sugar. Is the sugar doing anything structural or is it just taste? Should I adjust the number

How to increase the perceived sweetness of homemade lemonade without sweeteners?

I have been making homemade lemonade for a few years in the summer and slowly, starting from an online recipe, I have been perfecting it (on a mainly trial and

What is the difference in flavour between the zest of an orange vs lemon vs lime

I am anosmic (do not have a sense of smell) and therefore am reduced in my perception of flavours to the flavours my tongue can detect, every time I zest a citr

When should I use lemon zest and not just juice?

If you want to add lemon flavor, why not just add lemon juice? For what type of dishes would you recommend using each one?

Corn syrup alternative

Many sugar candy recipes ask for corn syrup to add polymerization to the final candy and prevent crystallization. Body sugaring recipes call for lemon juice to

Lemon juice as drinking water preservative

I drink water at work from a plastic bottle, refilled at cooler. I wonder if putting lemon cuts (0.25 lemon/L) in it will preserve it and decent way to keep wat

What are the key differences between lemons and meyer lemons?

"Meyer lemons" are advertised as a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange. The flavor is basically what you'd expect from that cross. Is it reasonable to

How can I cook cod without lemons?

I have cod and every recipe that I can find says to use lemon juice, but I personally hate lemons. What can I cook the cod with, other than lemons? I don't wan

Adjusting Microwave Times

There's this really cool microwave lemon squares recipe that I've been dying to try out - only, the recipe insists on the cook time being 3 minutes on 80% power