Category "language"

What would "Disintegrant", "Ammonium", or the units of measure "glass" or "gl" mean in a non-American book?

Just purchased a baking cookbook online which, while written in English, is clearly from a country outside of the U.S. Units are metric, which is fine, but ther

Name for a master "cook plan" that describes how you prepare and serve all courses of a meal

I'm writing some software and could use some help (from some experts!) naming something. In cooking, culinary arts, etc. I have to imagine that there exists a c

What's the process of making black garlic called?

it's not caramelized – it doesn't get hot enough. it's not fermented – the process is enzymatic, not due to fungus, yeast, or bacteria. it's not pi

What are the different parts of a zester called?

Earlier I was trying to describe which part of a zester to use and realized I have no idea what the different parts are called. I fell back on google, and was s

Flavor of wasabi, horseradish, mustard, capers, and jalapeño

What is the name of the flavor of wasabi, horseradish, mustard, capers, and jalapeño? Unfortunately, I'm not fond of the taste of the above ingredients.

A “puck” of frozen food

I found a recipe that calls for 5 “pucks” of frozen spinach. I cannot find a definition of the term. I need to know how many ounces are in a puck?

What does resting mean

I'm a little confused with what resting actually means. I've typically seen this term being used where you move food (typically meat) from the oven/grill/heat

What is the correct term for this method of cooking?

I'm a reluctant cook at the best of times but I'm interested to know what I just did. I got a massive bone for the dog from the butcher. There was quite a lot o

What's 香茜 or 芫荽 in English?

Many Hong Kong Cuisine restaurants use 香茜 or 芫荽 in soup dishes. Please see the picture below. Are 香茜 or 芫Ő

What does it mean to let gluten relax?

I'm new to cooking and have no experience cooking. I know a bit about gluten in that it gives bread the toughness for stretching, which is good for chewy bread

"tomato sauce" vs. "tomato paste" [duplicate]

amazon returns almost 50 hits for "tomato sauce" and just 3 for "tomato paste" Do "tomato sauce" and "tomato paste" mean the same thing?

What is the difference between "water/drink enhancers" and cordial?

I was doing a bit of internet browsing today, and I came across this image (linked rather than embedded because of copyright), which shows a bottle of hand disi

Is a pizza like this unheard of in the USA?

My idea of a pizza, bought from a pizzeria in Sweden (at least growing up and when I last did, which was a few years ago now), is as follows: A standard pizza d

What's the difference between thin crust pizza and a cracker

My friend says that thin pizza crust is nothing but a cracker, but I think there are significant differences between the two products. For example, if you buy a

Choosing between semolina and non-semolina durum flour

I have a big confusion between flours, aggravated by the fact that I do not live in an english-speaking country and labeling and translations are confusing. I l

Recipe word for "not trimmed"

I'm trying to write up a recipe by weight and include both the "cleaned" weight and the "uncleaned" weight. I can't find a good word for "uncleaned" and I'm hop

Is there an English word for the Spanish pepper called Ñora?

Is there an English word for the Spanish pepper called Ñora? I have translated the following from Wikipedia The ñora is a cultivated variety of C

What does it mean for a dish to be called poêlé?

I was watching a show and they mentioned Fois Gras Poêlé. Now I know what fois gras is so I looked up what poêlé meant since I assumed

What is a stem pan?

I have a vintage cookbook, from Charlotte, North Carolina and about 1958, that has a recipe for “Different Applesauce Cake”. It says to “Cook

Simmering, rather than caramelizing, onions (plus garlic and ginger)

I can caramelize onions, garlic, and ginger over 30 minutes, stir frying. But this requires me to stand in front of the stove for 30 minutes. Instead, I prefer