Why should I "rest" meat after cooking?

Why should I "rest" meat after cooking? - Concentrated young male in warm outfit preparing delicious grilled meat while standing against cozy house in winter day

I often read in recipes that I should "rest" meat after it has been cooked but what does resting the meat actually do?

Best Answer

There are a couple of reasons why 'resting' meat is a good idea. First, as the meat cooks the muscle fibres contract, which forces the juices out. Letting the meat rest helps the muscle fibres relax so the juices are re-incorporated into the meat and not lost on the chopping board, which would happen if carved immediately.

The second reason to let meat rest is to provide an evenness. Basically as the meat rests it continues to cook slightly and it allows the meat to gain an overall 'doneness'

Pictures about "Why should I "rest" meat after cooking?"

Why should I "rest" meat after cooking? - White Ceramic Bowl With Noodles and Stainless Steel Spoon
Why should I "rest" meat after cooking? - Person Holding Pastry Dishes on White Ceramic Plates
Why should I "rest" meat after cooking? - White and Brown Cooked Dish on White Ceramic Bowls

Why should I rest my meat after cooking?

The reason it needs to rest is because the juices need time to redistribute. Otherwise it will just flow away, leaving you with a brown, overcooked piece of meat.

How long should meat rest after cooking?

Five to seven minutes should be the minimum if you're in a rush. If you know your cut is thick, give it at least 10 minutes. You could rest it for 5 minutes for every inch of thickness. You could rest it for 10 minutes for every pound.

Why do we need to coat meat?

The reason you dredge chicken or any other food before pan-frying is to help give it an enticingly brown crust. A food that you dredge in flour or another coating will also gain flavor and texture from the coating and absorb extra flavor from the oil or butter in which you've cooked the food.

Should you cover meat after cooking?

How to rest the meat. Take it from the heat and place it on a warm plate or serving platter. Cover the meat loosely with foil. If you cover it tightly with the foil or wrap it in foil, you will make the hot meat sweat and lose the valuable moisture you are trying to keep in the meat.

Why do we rest meat and steaks after cooking? | Jess Pryles

More answers regarding why should I "rest" meat after cooking?

Answer 2

Also keep in mind that meat continues to cook once you remove it from the heat source. The resting period allows the cooking process to complete.

Answer 3

Pulse is so correct that it is so important to let a piece of meat rest. It is so evident when a steak is cooked placed straight on a plate and cut into , all blood that hasn't been able to settle back through the meat will be pooling on the plate in seconds and you are left with a dry overbooked piece of meat. In large joints of meat I have found that a short resting time creates the meat to be tougher to cut through and again a loss of crucial juices then a rested piece. Creates the question with many cooks is a slightly cooled piece of meat rested and relaxed better than a nice hot piece of meat off the grill or out of the oven - I Believe Yes.

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Images: ArtHouse Studio, Rachel Claire, Pixabay, Chan Walrus