Why is rice parboiled? And how does parboiling change rice?

Why is rice parboiled? And how does parboiling change rice? - Sushirrito Cut in Half 

I have recently been using raw rice at my home. I have noticed that the non-parboiled rice sticks to each other while parboiled rice does not given the same amount of cooking time.

My questions:

  1. Why is rice parboiled?
  2. How does parboiling change rice chemically?
  3. Is it possible to get (unprocessed) cooked rice not stick with each other when cooked?

Best Answer

The following excerpt answers questions 1 and 2. Additionally it reduces the cooking time for the parboiled rice.

Also known as converted rice, parboiled rice has been pressure-steamed and then dried in its natural outer husk (which is later removed). This process hardens the starch in the grains so they remain firmer, less sticky, and separate when cooked. It also forces the vitamins and minerals from the outer layer of the grains into the endosperm, which is the part we eat. This makes parboiled rice a more nutritious option than regular (unenriched) white rice, which doesn't retain any of the goodness of the nutrient-rich husk.

There are several techniques you can use to prevent unprocessed cooked rice from sticking to each other:

  • Use medium to long grain rice.
  • Rinse the rice until the rinsing water is completely clear.
  • Use the Boil and Steam method to cook the rice. In this method boil the rice for 5-10 minutes. Then pour off the excess water and steam the rice for an additional 10 minutes. This method of cooking the rice reduces the most starch on the outside of the rice which is what causes the sticking.

Source: The Science of Cooking Rice

Pictures about "Why is rice parboiled? And how does parboiling change rice?"

Why is rice parboiled? And how does parboiling change rice? - White Rice With Green Leaf Vegetable on Blue Ceramic Plate
Why is rice parboiled? And how does parboiling change rice? - Close-up of Abalone Rice Hot Pot
Why is rice parboiled? And how does parboiling change rice? - A Platter of Assorted Sushi

Quick Answer about "Why is rice parboiled? And how does parboiling change rice?"

During parboiling, some water-soluble nutrients move from the bran of the rice kernel into the starchy endosperm. This minimizes some of the nutrient loss that normally happens during refining when making white rice (1). Notably, parboiled rice has significantly more thiamine and niacin than white rice.

Why is rice parboiled?

Parboiling rice makes it easier to remove the husk of the rice before eating it. The process also improves the texture of the rice, making it fluffier and less sticky when you cook it than regular white rice.

What are the impacts of parboiling on the rice?

The parboiling process includes soaking, steaming, and drying, which all have impacts on the quality of parboiled rice. Parboiling decreases breakage susceptibility of rice during the dehulling and milling processes, resulting in greater head rice yield.

What happens during parboiling process?

Parboiling is a hydrothermal process in which the crystalline form of starch present in the paddy rice is changed into an amorphous one. This is accomplished by soaking, steaming, drying, and milling the rice.

What is PARBOILED RICE? What does PARBOILED RICE mean? PARBOILED RICE meaning \u0026 explanation

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: ROMAN ODINTSOV, Alexey Demidov, makafood, Farhad Ibrahimzade