Why is honey heated and filtered for normal markets?
The honey which we get in the markets is of utterly low price as compared to raw honey. As we all know that this honey is heated at great temperatures and filtered.
My question is then why is honey heated and filtered and then sold in the markets?
The price of heating and filtering should make more expensive than raw honey. Why is it of so low cost as compared to raw honey?
From: http://www.foodsafetynews.com/2011/11/tests-show-most-store-honey-isnt-honey/#.VvuBK3oaabl
It’s no secret to anyone in the business that the only reason all the pollen is filtered out is to hide where it initially came from and the fact is that in almost all cases, that is China,” Adee added.
Why would they want to hide where it came from? In India, big companies like Dabur, Patanjali etc. sell such filtered and heated honey. What and why do they want to hide?
Best Answer
The filtering reduces crystallization. It also is desirable because most people don't like random bits of wax, bee parts, or really any foreign-looking material in their honey. For better or worse, people like clear, clean-looking honey. The visible particles could be filtered without removing the much smaller pollen, but that'd still leave the crystallization issue. Burleson's has a page explaining filtering, including addressing the claim that it's about hiding the origin of the honey. This NPR article also addresses it pretty well.
Note that some people have made some pretty wild claims about filtered honey not even being honey anymore. This is not true, at least as far as the USDA is concerned:
Filtered. Filtered honey is honey of any type defined in these standards that has been filtered to the extent that all or most of the fine particles, pollen grains, air bubbles, or other materials normally found in suspension, have been removed.
Strained. Strained honey is honey of any type defined in these standards that has been strained to the extent that most of the particles, including comb, propolis, or other defects normally found in honey, have been removed. Grains of pollen, small air bubbles, and very fine particles would not normally be removed.
So if you prefer strained/unfiltered honey for whatever reason, go for it. But filtered honey is still honey.
Pasteurization (heating)
The heating is better known as pasteurization, and it serves to kill yeast (reducing chances of fermentation) and prevent crystallization/granulation. Pasteurization does kill bacteria too, but bacteria can't generally survive in honey so that's not one of the reasons for it here.
It's pretty easy to find more information about this by searching for honey pasteurization. For example, BeeMaid has a page about pasteurization.
I'm not really sure about the disguising origin theory, given that there are real reasons for this processing that don't sound like a conspiracy theory. I'm sure the processing does disguise the origin, but that doesn't mean that's why they do it. Besides, if you told the whole US that all their honey was from China, I doubt they'd stop buying it.
You also asked about cost difference. That doesn't really have an interesting answer; it's just that raw honey is not as widely sold and tends to be locally produced so it ends up more expensive, while non-raw honey is mass-produced and sold everywhere and ends up cheaper. Sure, it costs more to process than to not process, but mass-production is cheap. This isn't an unusual occurence; white flour is often cheaper than whole wheat, white bread is often cheaper than whole wheat, and so on.
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Quick Answer about "Why is honey heated and filtered for normal markets?"
Filtered honey goes through a process where it's heated then rapidly cooled. This is normally done to prevent it from becoming granulated and makes it smooth and uniform in color. However, the high heat kills most of the enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, removing many of the health benefits of raw honey.Why should honey be heated?
Cooking it deteriorates the quality and loses its essential enzymes and nutrients. Heated honey can actually produce delirious effects in the body and can be fatal at the same time. Cooking honey to 40 degree Celsius causes a negative chemical change that makes it taste bitter.Which is better for you filtered or unfiltered honey?
Unfiltered Honey Benefits The benefits of Unfiltered Honey include: Contains more antioxidants and nutrients. Contains natural enzymes, probiotics, pollens, propolis, and waxes that filtered honey does not contain. Supports your immune system health.What happens to honey when heated?
When honey is heated or cooked, the sugar and fructose in the honey change their chemical composition as a result of a browning effect called the Maillard Reaction. Heating or storing honey for long periods of time will increase the production of a toxic substance called 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF).Is heated honey still raw?
Pollen, propolis, antioxidants, and enzymes found in raw honey are destroyed at temperatures above 110\xb0F. Heating honey higher than 140\xb0F degrades the quality of the honey and temperatures above 160\xb0F caramelize the sugars.Raw Honey vs. Ultra-Processed Store Bought Commercial Honey
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Images: Daniel P. Torres, Amirhesam Golzar, Mareefe, Pixabay