Why does my food taste like propane when i grill?

Why does my food taste like propane when i grill? - From above yummy steaks and meat sausages roasting on grill grid near organic capsicum during picnic

Every now and then when I use my propane grill my food comes out tasting like propane. I am wondering why this is and how to correct it.

Best Answer

@Ross Ridge's comment implies that it can't happen, but it is happening.

That suggests incomplete combustion (since it IS getting on the food), which suggests either the fuel air mixture being set wrong, or being upset by having dirt/spiders/mud-wasps/etc. blocking the air intakes. The flames should be pure blue, no yellow (some instructions say "pale yellow tips") when the air mixing is set correctly. Any thing that blocks or restricts the air intake will tend to leave the flame fuel-rich, with yellow or orange colors, and all the gas may not be burned.

To solve, clean the burners completely, find the adjustment points for air (generally just after the gas orifice) and adjust for a clear blue flame. Your grill instructions should describe your particular version.

enter image description hereenter image description here

I'll still stick by the ultimate solution being charcoal, having tried it both ways. If you get away from the compressed coal dust briquettes, real wood charcoal is actually quite fast (which was the hook the gas grill folks always used to attract people away from charcoal)

Pictures about "Why does my food taste like propane when i grill?"

Why does my food taste like propane when i grill? - Crop man selling chestnuts on market
Why does my food taste like propane when i grill? - Traditional Turkish dish on table
Why does my food taste like propane when i grill? - Grilled chestnuts on table in street

Why does my BBQ food taste like lighter fluid?

Make sure you don't squirt the fluid all over the grill. Keep it on the charcoal. Let it burn long enough to burn away all the lighter fluid. It sounds like you aren't letting the charcoal burn long enough before putting the burgers on the grill.

Can you taste the gas from a gas grill?

And, \u201cOnly charcoal can give you a true 'grilled' flavour.\u201d Wrong! Let's debunk these myths once and for all. Both natural gas and propane are completely tasteless, odourless and colourless.

Can cooking with propane make you sick?

People use a variety of heat sources to cook food, including gas, wood, and electricity. Each of these heat sources can create indoor air pollution during cooking. Natural gas and propane stoves can release carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other harmful pollutants into the air, which can be toxic to people and pets.

Get Better Flavor from your Gas Grill

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Dids, Meruyert Gonullu, Meruyert Gonullu, Meruyert Gonullu