Smoking with chips after sous vide

Smoking with chips after sous vide - Woman in Black Long Sleeve Shirt Sitting Beside Woman in Black Long Sleeve Shirt

I am planning on cooking a pork rack (pork crown). I like the precision of sous-vide, but I also like having a smokey flavor by using smoking chips.

So I am faced with a dilemma: Either grill the rack the traditional way, adding smoking chips throughout the process or cooking sous-vide, cooling down in an ice bath and making the crust on a grill for say 30min while also smoking some chips.

Would 30 min on the grill be enough for the smokey flavor? Or should I dispense sous-vide in this situation favoring thoroughly smoking the meat? Or should I try to compromise, by having very low heat in the gas grill, turning on only one burner and using indirect heat to have a sort of slow cook?

I only have a gas grill and smoke chips, I don't actually have a smoker.

Best Answer

You can either smoke meats before or after sous vide. Of course, smoking before means you have to pay closer attention to the danger zone. As you point out, you are not really smoking, rather you are grill-roasting to finish the exterior of your crown roast. In this case, I would just do it after the cook step. Just add some wood chips to your grill. You will pick up some smokey flavor in even a shorter time than you suggest. Be careful, though. Your challenge will be to achieve the right balance between exterior crust and interior temperature without ruining the work you put in to sous vide in the first place.

Pictures about "Smoking with chips after sous vide"

Smoking with chips after sous vide - Woman in Black Jacket Sitting Beside Window
Smoking with chips after sous vide - Man in Black Suit Smoking Pipe While Playing on a Gaming Table
Smoking with chips after sous vide - Woman Smoking Shisha in Bar 

Can you smoke after sous vide?

You can either smoke before or after the sous vide cooking; they both have their benefits. I think the pre-smoke infuses it with a little bit more flavor.

Should I smoke meat before or after sous vide?

Imparting a smoky flavor to the meat doesn't take a long time, but using a smoker and keeping the fire and internal temperature consistent requires a hands-on approach. Therefore, it's usually better to smoke the meat before cooking it sous vide.

Is it better to smoke meat before or after cooking?

If you smoke first, the moisture that is expelled from the meat while cooking will dilute the smoke flavour. Earth, i've done it both ways and find similar outcomes. Pre-smoking yields a little more color and smoke penetration because the raw meat is usually cool and wet which enhances the smoking process.

What does soaking your wood chips before smoking?

Soaking the plank ensures that there is enough surface moisture on the plank that it should not combust while you are cooking. There is not enough moisture to produce significant steam or smoke, however, it will produce delightful flavor on your food.

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Answer 2

A small shot of liquid smoke added to the bag before cooking the rack sous vide will give it a mild smokiness that captures most of the flavors of real outdoor cooking.

With a grill and wood chips you can still impart some flavor. Try to keep the temperature low (say 300°F) to avoid negating the effect of low and slow sous vide. To avoid drying it out, don't post-sous vide smoke it for more than 3 hours.

If you want the deepest smoke flavor you would want to smoke the meat from raw and could use the sous vide to finish it off (the flavorful compounds in smoke will adhere to and penetrate raw meat much better than they will cooked meat).

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Images: cottonbro, cottonbro, Pavel Danilyuk, Maor Attias