Advantages to "burning off" grill

Advantages to "burning off" grill - Close-Up Photo of Man Cooking Meat

My father insists on "burning off" the grill by letting it run on high after each use. Is there any advantage to doing so?

Best Answer

The idea is to clean the cooking surface. I typically fire up the grill, then, just before placing product on, use a wire brush to clean the grill surface. No reason that you couldn't do this at the end of a cook, preparing for the next cook. The advantage to cooking on a clean surface is that there is reduced chance of food sticking to the grill.

Pictures about "Advantages to "burning off" grill"

Advantages to "burning off" grill - Grilled Meats on Skewers
Advantages to "burning off" grill - Grilled Meat on Black Charcoal Grill at Nighttime
Advantages to "burning off" grill - Grilled Fish

How useful is BBQ side burner?

You need a side burner because it makes it convenient for grillers to cook side dishes such as vegetable stir fry, pasta salads, grilled pork, and more. A side burner is undervalued and essential outdoor cooking equipment that comes in handy for warming up beans or cooking side dishes such as corn.

What are the benefits of a natural gas grill?

5 Benefits of a Natural Gas Grill
  • Natural Gas Is Cheaper Than Propane. The switch from propane to natural gas grilling will bring you instant savings. ...
  • Less Exhaust Makes Parties More Enjoyable. ...
  • A Natural Gas Grill Connects Right to Your Home Supply. ...
  • Lighter Emissions Means Greener Grilling. ...
  • Setup Is Not Complicated.

Why do people grill with propane?

A propane grill normally reaches full temperature in less than 15 minutes and offers a variety of methods for cooking. Whether you want multi-zone cooking or indirect heat, propane gives you the flexibility to cook how you want, when you want.

Why is a grill important?

Grilling is a great way to cook healthy meals and enjoy the outdoors. Grilling can also help lower your calorie intake and may even help with weight loss. While grilling does not remove all the fat from meats, it causes the excess fat to melt and drip off the racks.

Stop Grill Flare Ups From Becoming Grill Fires

More answers regarding advantages to "burning off" grill

Answer 2

I have seen two grills of friends who have warped by using the high temp cleaning approach. The grills today are not made for such high temps like grills our fathers had. One grill that I saw now has a problem with the grates falling into the firebox. He ended up adding shims to keep the grates in place. Be safe not sorry. In our area we have professional grill cleaners...

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Images: Min An, samer daboul, Everson Mayer, samer daboul