Raised brown spots on garlic

Raised brown spots on garlic - Brown Leopard Walking on Brown Field

Occasionally I'll get a clove of garlic that has small brown spots on it. When there are a couple spots, I cut them off and use the rest of the garlic. Sometimes there will be A LOT of spots and clustered together. Those will get thrown away. The garlic will look and feel fine until I remove the white "skin." It really looks like the garlic has eczema or measles. Does anyone know what these spots are? Is this a form of garlic mold?

garlic with spots

Best Answer

The brown spots can be a bruise from handling or a bruise caused by heavy soil. We learned the hard way to avoid planting in heavy clay. Loads of brown spots from cloves trying to swell against hard soil, or a rock or buried root etc. The bacteria get into the bruised clove and quickly discolour it.

We added lots of compost and tried to make our garlic patch soil the lightest, fluffiest texture possible. The softest soil produced the cleanest bulbs. Also far less bruising from harvesting since they pull so easily out of the ground.

Pictures about "Raised brown spots on garlic"

Raised brown spots on garlic - Raw almonds and heads of garlic on white background
Raised brown spots on garlic - Composition of garlic bulbs and raw almonds
Raised brown spots on garlic - Man in Brown Leather Jacket Sitting Beside Man in Blue Jacket

Quick Answer about "Raised brown spots on garlic"

What is this? Over time, these spots become darker orange or black pustules (raised spots), indicating a reinfection of rust in the same season. A severe case of garlic rust, especially one that appears early in the season, causes leaves to yellow and wither and limits bulb development.

Is it OK to eat garlic with brown spots?

Obviously, you don't want to eat moldy or mushy garlic, but sprouts cloves or even those that have browned or yellowed spots can still be used. Their taste might be slightly off, but removing the green sprout or trimming browned spots will make older cloves usable and keep them out of the trash.

Why are there brown spots on my garlic?

The brown spots can be a bruise from handling or a bruise caused by heavy soil. We learned the hard way to avoid planting in heavy clay. Loads of brown spots from cloves trying to swell against hard soil, or a rock or buried root etc. The bacteria get into the bruised clove and quickly discolour it.

Can you eat garlic with bumps?

If you have purchased whole bulbs or peeled cloves watch out for green sprouts coming out of the top. It is not dangerous to eat, but it will cause a bitter flavor. The sprout is the creation of a new clove, so you can split the clove and remove the sprout to still use the garlic clove.

What are the bumps on garlic?

If there are tiny pimple-like spots on the bare naked cloves, those are the entrance holes from stem and bulb nematodes.

How to Get Rid of Scars Forever | Dr. Josh Axe

More answers regarding raised brown spots on garlic

Answer 2

Most of the websites I found say that the brown spots are a sign of the garlic going bad. The excerpt below from wikihow echoes what most say about it.

Check over the clove for any brown spots. Usually if a small spot you can trim off and the garlic is still good. If two or more spots, just pitch it in the trash can and get another clove.

Answer 3

IMO, its just minor bruising. I rarely discard it unless its really pronounced, or more than, say, 20% of the bulb's surface. The one in the pic? I'd mince it right up with the others.

Answer 4

If the garlic is otherwise firm and not discolored inside, I just cut away and discard those surface brown spots. So far in my long life this has caused no ill either to me (health) or to my cooking (taste/texture).

Sources: Stack Exchange - This article follows the attribution requirements of Stack Exchange and is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0.

Images: Diego Madrigal, Karolina Grabowska, Karolina Grabowska, RODNAE Productions